Part - 33

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Laksh was sitting in his room, working on his gf lappy😂.

Ryan: bhayu, it's your engagement today and you're not getting ready.

Sanskar: and we three are already ready.

Laksh sighs, takes his sherwani and leaves for washroom. He comes out after sometime.

Arjun: bhai come I'll make your hair style using gel.

Laksh: just keep these irritating things away from me.

He says in a warning tone. Arjun pouts.

Laksh goes towards the mirror and makes his hair.

Sanskar keeps the dupatta on his shoulder rolling it on his one hand.

Ryan: bhayu, you're looking so handsome.

Arjun: bhabhi will be totally flat on you.

Laksh just rolls his eyes at him.

Sanskar: let's go now.

And they leaves for GM.



Misha: di, where are my earrings?

Ragini goes to the dresser, takes out the earrings from the drawer and gives them to Misha.

Swara: di, please see na my hair are looking a total mess.

She says pouting.

Ragini: don't be sad. Wait.

She makes a nice hairstyle of her hair.

Ragini: now happy?

Swara: yup, thank you.

Misha: ragu di, where's my dupatta?

Ragini rolls her eyes at her. She takes the dupatta from sofa and gives it to Misha. Misha smiles sheepishly at her.

Just then Naina enters and shakes her head in disbelief seeing the scenario in front of her.

Naina: di, what is this? They can come anytime and you're not ready still. It's your engagement not their's.

She says pointing to Swarsha who shows her their tongues in return.

Naina makes Ragini sit on chair near the dressing table. And starts making her ready. Swarsha too helps her.

Misha: wow di you're looking so beautiful.

Ragini smiles at her.

Swara: jiju will get a mini heart attack seeing you.

Ragini hits her lightly on her arm.

A servant comes.

Servant: beta g the guests has started arriving.

The sisters nods and leaves while Ragini stays in the room.

Ragini: oh god, I'm feeling so nervous. How he must be looking? I'm sure he must be looking like Greek God as always. I'm dying to see him now.



Three of the sisters were welcoming the guests.

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