Part - 52

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Hello everyone 🙋
Thank you so much for ur votes and love to the story.
Guys, at any point if you feel that the story is getting boring then plz tell me. I'll wrap up the story there itself instead of dragging it🙃 bcoz it's of no use to write when no one is liking it. Right?
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Enjoy reading.


All reaches the temple.

Laksh was looking at people with wide eyes because all men were ascending the stairs picking their wives in their arms😉. He then looks towards his brothers.

Arjun: come on bhai pick bhabhi in your arms.

Laksh looks at him shocked.

Laksh: what?

Sanskar: yes, it's the ritual of this temple that every newly married man steps up the stairs picking his wife in his arms.

Laksh looks towards Ragini who was giving the most innocent look she can😂.

Laksh: I'm not going to do anything like this.

Trio: you will do it.

Ryan: you can't step back bhayu. Waise bhi, what's the problem? She's your own wife.

He chuckles saying this. Arjun and Sanskar too joins him.

Laksh looks at them irritated. He goes towards Ragini and picks her in his arms. She keeps both her hands around his neck. She was blushing and smiling inwardly😁. Her heart was jumping in happiness.

Trio brothers smiles.

The brothers were walking ahead of Raglak.

Laksh: you are so heavy.

Ragini looks at him with wide eyes.

Ragini: haww, I'm a slim and fit woman. Look there....

She signs towards a direction.

Laksh looks there and was shocked as a man was struggling to step up the stairs, picking his too fat wife in his arms. That man was sweating badly and his face was red.

Laksh gulps. He then looks towards Ragini and her figure. Ragini was looking at him with raised eyebrow.

Ragini: now say!! You are very lucky that you got a wife like me, with zero size figure.

Laksh: zero size, really?

Ragini nods.

Laksh gives her "whatever" look.

Ragini was all the time looking at him lovingly.

Ragini: are you tired?

Laksh: huh, it's not any difficult task so that I'll be tired.

Ragini smiles.

Soon the stairs came to an end.

Laksh puts her down and all goes towards the god's idol. They joins their hands in front of the god and prays.

Ragini (in mind): god, keep both of my families happy always. And keep all the black eyes away from my love.

Laksh (in mind): god, I just want my brothers to be happy always and her sisters also. And ya give my WIFE a little mind.

They takes blessings from the pandit.

Laksh and his brothers moves a little away. Just then a friend of Ragini comes there.

Friend: hey Ragini, how are you yaar?

Ragini: I'm absolutely fine. You say.

Friend: I haven't come in your wedding. Where's your husband? Will you not introduce him to me?

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