Part - 96

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Hello everyone 🙋
Thanks for all your love and support to the story.

The chapter is dedicated to anju434

Happy Birthday to you g😘😘😘❤❤❤May god bless you with all the happiness and success of the world😇😇😇.

I was in no condition going to post it before the target but I did it just for you. I hope you'll like it.


Ragini: Laksh, slow down. He's not going to run away.

She says looking at her husband who was driving the car with a rocket speed.

Laksh: finger on your lips.

Ragini pouts and do as she was ordered. She almost bumps into the front of the car as he puts sudden breaks. She glares him cutely, still with a finger on her pouted lips. He was looking at the building in front of him, with a large board of Kapoor Enterprises. He get's out of the car and Ragini follows. Laksh removes her finger from her lips.

Ragini: Laksh... Please don't lose your temper. We can tackle with it calmly.

He didn't reply but held her hand and made his way inside the building. They stops in front of the receptionist.

Laksh: I want to meet the bast...

Ragini glares him angrily.

Laksh (trying to be calm): I want to meet the owner, Rajat Kapoor.

He was tapping his fingers on the reception desk, being impatient.

Receptionist: wait for a while sir. I'll ask him and tell you when you can meet him.

Laksh: Laksh Maheshwari never waits for anyone.

He growls loudly. Ragini hit's her palm on her head. The receptionist flinches at his tone. Ragini keeps her hand on his shoulder.

Ragini: calm down Mr Maheshwari.

She was running her hand over his arm.

Ragini (to the receptionist): I'm sorry... Can you please tell us where's his cabin?

The receptionist timidly points to a direction. Laksh makes his way to the same direction, offcouse pulling Ragini with himself. Just then their eyes fell on Rajat, who was coming out of his cabin. Laksh's blood starts boiling, looking at him. He leaves her hand and storms towards him. He holds his collar.

Laksh (shouts): how dare you to lay your filthy eyes on my wife?

Rajat was trying to get free from him. All the staff was looking at the scene. Laksh punches him a few times on his face. Rajat's nose starts bleeding. Ragini runs to them. She was trying to pull Laksh away but he was hard as rock.

Ragini: Laksh, leave him please. Let's just talk. Laksh please...

But he wasn't listening to any word of her. He pushes Rajat harshly to the nearby wall and holds his neck. Ragini looks at him shocked. She was using her full strength to pull him away but he wasn't effected a bit. No one else dared to help her seeing Laksh's anger.

Ragini: Laksh, please leave him. I'm begging you please... He'll die.

Laksh: let him know what Laksh Maheshwari can do to the one who'll look at his wife with wrong intentions. I'll kill him today. He'll never be able to look at any woman with these eyes.

Laksh's eyes were red. His whole body was shaking with anger. Rajat was choking while his face was getting pale. Even Ragini was feeling scared of Laksh.

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