Part - 47

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Hello everyone 🙋
First of all I would like to present my gratitude towards all of you.
Two months before on the same day I joined wattpad and started with my first ever story/book OUR CUTE FAMILY. I never thought that this story will go this much far. I felt like it'll end soon or I have to drop it inbetween as no one will like/read it as I was not an experienced writer and no one knows me here. But you guys proved me wrong by showering your immense love to my story. I don't know in which words I should thank all of you. You guys are the BEST. Soon we're going to complete 50 parts, silver jubilee 😘💃.
Sorry if I bored you and wasted your time. But I felt like sharing my views and happiness with you all.
Keep supporting like this always. Luv u all ❤.
Enjoy reading.




Outside the mansion a huge number of reporters are seen.

R1: as you all can see we are outside RG's mansion where the marriage is going to take place.

R2: all the arrangements are just fantastic. Everything is looking very beautiful. After all it's the wedding of two big names of the country.

R3: The young business tycoon Laksh Maheshwari is going to tie the knot with the fashion icon Ragini Gadodia today.

R4: groom's side can be here anytime.

R5: don't go anywhere as the biggest wedding of the year is going to take place in a few hours.

The whole mansion is decorated beautifully both from inside and outside. Not a corner is left. Servants are running here and there.

Just then three of the sisters comes downstairs after getting ready. They were looking extremely beautiful.

 They were looking extremely beautiful

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