Part - 66

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Ragini turns towards Laksh with a shocked expression on her face. She was not believing her ears.

Ragini (in mind): did he just say Ragini?

Laksh: what happened? What are you thinking?

Ragini: what you said? Say it again.

Laksh: what happened? What are you thinking?

Ragini: arre, before that.

Laksh: what I said before that? Hmm, give me a glass of water.

Ragini huffs.

Ragini: after that.

Laksh: after that. I don't remember.

He says irritated.

Ragini (angrily): Laksh...

Laksh: Ragini...

Ragini was blinking her eyes at him.

She was feeling like flying hearing her name from her love for the first time. Her eyes were shining.

Laksh (confused): what happened to you?

Ragini: you just called me by my name for the first time.

She says happily.

Laksh was surprised with her words and her behavior.

Laksh (in mind): does it matter this much to her?

Laksh: I wanted to ask you something. This one question is not leaving my mind from the time I have got up.

Ragini nods in a way like "continue".

Laksh: how you... I mean how you came to know that something was going to happen to me? Why you got that nightmare? Why only you not me or anyone else?

He says with a confused look on his face.

Ragini smiles at his questions.

Ragini: maybe because I LOVE YOU ❤.

She says with a breath taking smile on her beautiful face.

Laksh was shocked to hell listening it

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Laksh was shocked to hell listening it. He was not believing what he just heard. He was trying to figure out whether he heard it right or not.

Ragini: yes, you heard it right. I LOVE YOU that's why I can feel about everything related to you.

Laksh was having nothing to say. He was still in the shock.

"She loves me. Why? how? from when?"

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