Part - 2

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Hello everyone🙋
Thanks for ur votes and comments.
Here's the next part.


Fb cont.

All the four were sitting at the dining table and Laksh starts putting jam on breads for everyone and serves them. All the three smiles at him, like always.

Sanskar: so Aru, how was the night in Rey's room?

Arjun was about to say something but...

Ryan: bhai you should ask me not him.

Everyone laughs.

Laksh: Rey, why you were sleeping on the couch?

Ryan: Aru bhai was clinging to me. He was not leaving me and uske baad to hadd hi ho gayi...

Laksh: don't tell me he kissed you.

Laksh and Sanky laughs while Ryan pouts.

Arjun was sitting and having his breakfast silently. He was behaving like an innocent kid, who don't know anything.

Laksh: ok... ok say then what happened?

Ryan: he kicked me out of the bed.

Laksh and Sanky looks at Arjun who smiles sheepishly and all bursts out in a fits of laughter except Ryan.

Ryan: bhayu, it's not funny.

Laksh: sorry sorry we'll not laugh now. Arjun that's not good, because of you Rey has to sleep on couch. Infact you should be the one sleeping on it as it was Rey's room.

Ryan: correct!!!

Arjun: arre mere cutiepie chod na ab. Sorry.

He says holding his one ear cutely.

Ryan smiles and hugs him.

Arjun: that's like my bro.

Ryan: I'm not a girl.

Arjun: I know.

Ryan: then why you always call me cutipie?

Arjun: because I love to call you like this.

Laksh who was eating notices something and says.

Laksh (sternly): Rey this milk is for drinking not for putting it back.

Ryan shows his teeth and drinks it uninterestingly.

Sanskar: bhai today we all have to go to office.

Laksh: hmm...

After having breakfast. All leaves to office in the same car at 8:45.

//Now it must be clear why Laksh woke up this much early😂//

Fb ends.


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