Part - 72

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Ragini looks up at Laksh who was sitting like a statue. He was not moving a bit.

Laksh was trying to analyze what just happened. He was not getting over the fact that his wife was sitting on his lap.

There was pin drop silence in between the two. Only their raised heartbeats were heard. Both were just blinking their eyes. Time stood still for both of them. Their eyes were not leaving each other's. They were lost in each other for a few minutes.

They comes back to their senses after some minutes and looks at each other awkwardly. Ragini was blushing like hell. Before Laksh could open his mouth...

Ragini (closing her eyes): I'm sorry... I'm so sorry... My leg slipped and I landed here. I didn't do it intentionally. I'm sorry... Please... I'm so sorry...

Laksh: you'll keep saying sorry or get off me? You're so heavy.

He says to avoid awkwardness.

Ragini opens her eyes immediately. She was not accepting his calm reaction. She was expecting him to shout on her for being careless and landing in his lap.

Ragini (angrily): I'm not heavy.

Laksh: huh, I know better because you're sitting upon me. Get up.

Ragini: I'll not get up until you'll say that I'm not heavy.

Laksh looks at her with wide eyes.

Laksh: get off me.

Ragini shakes her head.

Ragini: no, I'll not. First say that I'm not heavy.

Laksh: okay, you're not heavy. You're slim and trim just like Deepika Padukone, now happy?

Laksh accepts his defeat.

Ragini grins widely and nods.

Laksh: now get up!!

Ragini nods and get's up.

Laksh too get's up immediately and turns his face away, scratching the back of his head. But he couldn't hide his red face from his wife.

Ragini (in mind): oh my god... oh my god... oh my god... Mr Akdu is blushing. I can't believe my eyes. Am I dreaming?

She pinches herself.

Ragini (thinks): aahhh... It's paining. That means I'm not dreaming.

She rubs her eyes.

Ragini: Laksh

Laksh: hmm...

Ragini: look here at me.

Laksh turns towards her.

Laksh: what?

Ragini (in mind): Ragini you are not hallucinating. He's blushing in real. OMG.

Ragini: you look so cute when you blush.

She says dreamily.

It makes him more red.

Laksh (trying to control himself from blushing): blu... blush... me? I... I'm not blushing.

Ragini (teasingly): really?

Ragini (teasingly): really?

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