Part - 60

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Surprise 🎊
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Laksh: and?

Ragini clutches him more tightly. Laksh feels it.

Ragini (stammering and sobbing): a... and... you... you... were ly... lying in a po... pool... of blood...

She hides her face in him more. Laksh sighs.

Laksh: nothing is going to happen. It was just a bad dream. Look I'm fine.

He says to make her normal.

Ragini: no... I'm scared... What if anything happ... happened to y...

She was unable to say it.

Laksh: relax na yaar. It was not true. It was only a nightmare. Now, forget about it. Wipe your tears and sleep.

He brings her out of the hug and made her lay on the bed. Her body was still shaking with fear.

Laksh turns off the light and lays down. Ragini moves towards him and hugs him again. He was about to say something...

Ragini: please

Laksh: hmm.... ok

Both were trying hard to sleep but an unknown fear was not letting them sleep.


Next day:

Laksh wakes up first and looks at Ragini who was clutching him like a kitten whose life depends only upon him.

He gets out of her hold and leaves for washroom.

Ragini opens her eyes a few seconds later and was shocked not finding him in the room.

Ragini: Laksh...

Laksh (shouts): washroom...

Ragini takes a breath of relief.

She get's up from the bed and goes towards the cupboard to take out her clothes. Then only Laksh comes out of the washroom.

Ragini: good morning

Laksh: good morning

Ragini leaves for the washroom.


All were having breakfast but Ragini's mind was on the nightmare only.

Ryan: what happened bhabhi? You seem tensed.

Laksh looks at her too while Ragini shakes her head.

Ragini: nothing, I'm fine.

Arjun: are you sure?

Ragini nods and leaves for the kitchen. When she comes back Laksh was not there.

Ragini: where's your bhai?

Sanskar: he went to his room.

Ragini nods.



All were in their rooms.

Sanskar was working.

Ryan was studying.

Arjun was busy with his phone 😂.

Ragini completes her works and leaves for her room and was shocked finding Laksh in his formals all ready to leave.

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