Part - 21

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The brothers reaches home.

Laksh: I'm very much hungry. Tell the servants to get the food ready fast. I'm coming after taking a bath.

His brothers nods to him and he leaves for his room.



Ragini: oh my god!! I was hungry as hell.

She was stuffing the food in her mouth.

Naina: di you should take a bath first.

Ragini: I'll take it after eating.

Her sisters smiles at her.

Ragini: I'm feeling so good now.


It was afternoon.

Raglak were sleeping in their rooms tired. All the others were tired too but they woke up after sleeping for some hours.


Swara: hello, you said that it's over between us.

Sanskar: but now bhai has agreed for the marriage. So patch up again.

Swara (rolls her eyes): now patch up and after some days you'll break up again. Right?

Sanskar: no this time pakka wala patch up. Please... Sorry, last chance.

Swara: last one if you again did it then I'll kill you.

Sanskar: thank you so much and I'll never let that happen.

He kisses the phone.

Swara smiles.


Misha: di, I'm going.

Swarna: where are you going?

Misha: I told you na that I have to prepare a project with that bandar. So I'm going to his house. We'll work upon it there.

Swarna nods.

Swara: ok go but take driver with you and Nainu you also go with her.

Naina: me, why?

Swara: it will be good if you'll be with her. She'll not prank on anyone.

 She'll not prank on anyone

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Naina: ok...

And they leaves for MM.


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