Part - 73

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Hello all my dear readers 🙋.
Thank you soooooo.... much for all your love for the story.
Keep supporting. Luv u all ❤.
Enjoy reading.


Next morning-

Raglak's room:

Laksh opened his eyes and was looking at his wife who was holding him tight. He was smiling unknowingly to himself. Many things were changing in him and his life which he was not realising.
He chuckles remembering his wife's "I'm not talking to you mission".
He was trying to get free from her hold.

Ragini (in sleep): no... let me shleeep... na.

Laksh shakes his head in disbelief.

Laksh: get up. You need to go to office.

Ragini: I don't want to go.

Laksh chuckles.

Laksh: why?

Ragini: because today I have to go to your office na.

Laksh (confused): why mine?

Ragini: because there is a sur....

Before completing the sentence the reality strikes her and she get's up with a jerk.

Laksh: why you'll come to my office?

Ragini: if you can come to mine then why can't I?

She asks with a raised eyebrow.

Laksh: okay, I don't have any problem with it.

He get's up from the bed. Ragini takes a breath of relief.

Ragini (in mind): thank god I didn't spit it out otherwise my brother in laws would have killed me.

Laksh was still standing and was not leaving to the washroom.

Ragini: what happened?

Laksh: you didn't take out clothes for me na.

He's getting addicted to everything she do for him😉

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He's getting addicted to everything she do for him😉.

Ragini smiles at this. She get's up and takes out clothes for him.

Ragini: here...

She hands over the clothes to him.

Laksh leaves to take a bath.


At the breakfast table:

Arjun: bhai, I'll come to office today.

Other's were having normal looks on their faces as if they already knew about it but it was not expected for Laksh. He started coughing badly listening to him. The food got stuck in his throat.

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