Part - 86

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Hello everyone 🙋
Thank you so much for all your love and support to the story and for being patient throughout the editing process😊.


Keep supporting. Luv u all ❤.
Enjoy reading.


Next day:

Laksh get's up first and looks at his wife who was sleeping hugging him as tight it was possible for her. He strokes her hair and her sleep get's disturbed. She opens her eyes and finds her husband looking at her.

Laksh: good morning bachcha.

Ragini: good morning my love.

Laksh: want to go office?

Ragini slightly nods her head in a yes.

Ragini: yes, being in the house, doing nothing will bound me to think about the same thing.

Laksh sighs.

Laksh: okay, you go to office and don't be sad.

Ragini: I'll try.


All were having the breakfast silently. Ragini was looking at the brothers one by one.

Ragini: I'm sorry!!

She says all of a sudden. Everyone looks at her confused.

Ryan: sorry for what bhabhi?

Ragini: you wished for your nephew or neice but I...

She wasn't able to say anything further. Her voice chocked while Laksh was glaring her like anything.

Sanskar: bhabhi, what are you saying? There's no need to say sorry.

Arjun: yaah, it's okay. It's not at all your fault and we don't have any issues with it.

Laksh: but she'll keep sticking to the same thing. It's just...

He didn't complete his sentence and leaves from there angrily. Ragini too get's up and leaves behind him.


Raglak's room:

Laksh was standing in front of the mirror, wearing his coat in anger when Ragini comes there and holds his coat. He says nothing as Ragini makes him wear it.

Ragini: Laksh...

Laksh: yesterday only we have decided that we'll not talk about it. Do I need to repeat myself again and again?

He says angrily. His face was stern but her next sentence made his looks to soften.

Ragini (innocently): I'm sorry love. I'll not talk about it ever again. Please don't be angry with me.

Laksh turns to look at her.

Laksh: promise?

Ragini: pinky promise.

"Bhabhi, your sisters are here." says Sanskar entering in the room.

Ragini passes him a confused look and then nods.

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