Part - 95

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Hello everyone 🙋
Ty so much for all your love and support to the story.


Ragini and Swara were in the kitchen, preparing breakfast. They comes out with bowls in their hands and finds everyone already sitting on the dining table, except Misha and Laksh. Everyone wishes good morning to each other.

Arjun: bhabhi, where's bhai?

Ragini: he was talking to someone on phone. Must be coming.

Then only Laksh comes there all ready in a brown formal suit. He sit's on his chair, on the head of the table. He looks at everyone.

Laksh: where's Misha?

Ragini (chuckling): she's still sleeping. She'll eat later.

Laksh (controlling his laugh): she has completely gone on you.

Ragini bites on her tongue cutely. Laksh unknowingly admires her cuteness.

Ryan: kumbhkaran...

Laksh: just like your dear bhabhi.

All laughs and Ragini pouts. Laksh signs her to sit beside him. Ragini smiles and sit's besides him. Swara sits besides Sanskar.

Later, everyone leaves for their respective works. Ragini, Swara and Naina left for RG fashions and Laksh, Sanskar and Arjun for MI. Only Misha and Ryan were left in the house.

Ryan was sitting in the hall, playing game on his phone when Misha comes downstairs.

Misha: oye bandar, where are others?

Ryan: oh, finally Ms Chipkali's morning is here.

Misha glares him but Ryan seems unaffected.

Ryan: they went to work.

Misha: there's something to eat? I'm feeling hungry.

Ryan looks at her for a few seconds and then points towards the kitchen.

Ryan: there's kitchen. Go and find if there's something. You're not a guest now.

Misha hit's on his head and runs to the kitchen. Ryan looks in her direction angrily and rubs his head.


It was night. Ragini was sitting in the hall, waiting for Laksh to come back from office. She was looking at the door.

Naina comes there and sit's besides her

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Naina comes there and sit's besides her.

Naina: di, what are you doing here at this time?

"She's waiting for her dear husband." says Arjun as he sits at Ragini's other side.

Naina: aww...

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