Part - 36

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Ragini was looking at Laksh like a scared kitten.

She was trying hard to think the ways to make him cool

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She was trying hard to think the ways to make him cool.

Ragini (in mind): god, what to do now? How to reduce his temperature? Come on Ragini you can do it. Waise bhi, it's just the starting you have to learn how to control his anger. After all you have to spend all your life with him.

Ragini (calmly): Mr Maheshwari, first you sit down please.

Laksh looks at her angrily but says nothing. He goes to the couch and sits on it.

Ragini: take a deep breath.

Laksh takes a deep breath.

Ragini (in a singing tone): calm down... cool down... calm down... cool down...

Laksh (gritting his teeth): you're just increasing my anger by saying this.

Ragini gulps.

Ragini: sorry, uhm... what would you like to have?

Laksh (holding his head): a hot coffee.

Ragini (without realising what she was saying): hot coffee!! What's the need of it? You're already this much hot.

Laksh looks at her with wide eyes.

Laksh: what?

Ragini (in mind): Ragini control yourself. You have to decrease his anger not to increase it. But he's looking really hot. Stop, just stop it!!

Ragini: Uhm... arre... I mean to say that you are already hot due to your anger. Hot coffee will not work. Wait...

She calls someone.

Ragini: yes one cold coffee for sir and a chocolate ice-cream for me.

She says happily. Laksh rolls his eyes at her.

After the call, she goes towards Laksh.

Ragini (hesitating): can I sit here?

She asks pointing besides him.

Laksh: it's your office. You can sit wherever you want. Why are you asking me?

Ragini (whispers): really? Before a few minutes I was not sure whether it's my office or yours.

Laksh: you said something?

Ragini: no nothing...

Just then a peon enters.

Ragini: thank you Kaka. Keep them on the table.

The peon leaves placing the plate on the table.

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