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i freaked out and my butt moved on it's own. it literally jumped out of the seat so i immediately grabbed my things for a leave. i glanced over the counter and saw him nowhere.

so i was just literally seeing things again? what the heck that seemed too realistic. this is freaking my soul out oh god.

i sighed in relieved and was about to leave when someone grabbed my arms.

"why did you ran away?"

i froze on my spot and i think i got a stiff neck suddenly when i heard that voice. my muscles are tensing up but i quicky looked.

"h-huh? w-who are you?" i gulped and saw everyone looking at us.

"how can you forgot me when YOU were the one who stole my virginity?" he scoffed.

since when he learned to be sadistic? he was too innocent back then—was he acting?

"what? she stole his virginity? oh god that's horrible! he's the ceo's son!" i heard a pitched voice again.

i looked around and saw everyone whispering to each other while looking at us. why the hell is his voice so loud for?!

"what the heck?!" i whispered-screamed at him.

"just a fact." he smirked.

i pulled my arms from him and glared at him, "why the heck are you bothering me? i thought we talked about this?" i scoffed.

"you ran away after i told you i was virgin, we literally didn't talk and just had a story telling." he said and crossed his arms.

i can't believe how he's being sadistic while i was the dominant and he knew nothing. this kid didn't know i just gave him a free sex-ed.

"i told you, let's just forget about it. now i gotta go." i quickly walked away from him, this bastard.

i was about to reach the door when i heard him yelled, "i have a footage of you raping me! do you want me to report it to the police? you don't even wanna talk anyways!"

i immediately looked back and saw everyone gasping. i widened my eyes and saw him smirking, why the heck did he video it?!

i wasted no time and ran towards him. i glared, "stop this, please." i whispered.

"not until we talk about what happened." he said clearly.

why the heck is he not embarrassed yet? i've had enough embarrassment today!

"can we just forget about i—"

"i can just pass the footage to the police, 'a girl stole a naive's guy virginity' " he purposely said it loud for the people to hear it. "are we gonna talk about it or not...?"

i looked around and people are taking their phones out to video this issue. they're definitely gonna gossip about this, he's the ceo's son after all. i literally fucked up.

i growled and said, "fine! follow me." i aggresively grabbed his wrist.

"that hurts!" he whined.

"shut up and follow me if you really wanna talk about this." i scoffed.

i brought him to the place where no one is around and i let go of his wrist. i faced him while he massages his wrist, i'm not that strong, he's weak.

"where's the video?" i immediately asked.

"what video?" he asked innocently.

is this shit serious? have he lost his mind? don't tell me he got mental illness? this is so annoying, he is so annoying.

"the fucking video you said earlier at the cafe."

"hmm, which one?" he teased.

i scoffed.

"t-that video!" i yelled.

"i don't know what you're talking about unless you say it specifically." he chuckled.

did he just laughed?! at this situation? he embarrassed me infront of everyone earlier and now he's acting like this? hah.

"the video of me and you having sex. that you call 'rape' when you totally enjoyed it." i rolled my eyes in frustration.

"ah, that? i 100 percent enjoyed it if you need my opinion for your performance." he winked. "but i got no video."

"what? then what the fuck are you saying earlier?" i cursed at him.

"nah, it was because you didn't wanna talk about it and it was the only idea i got in my mind." he shrugged.

am i seriously having a talk with a psycho like him? he said he wanna talk when he's just like joking about everything while i'm here almost losing my strands of hair including my pubic. this is so stressing.

"you're seriously ain't gonna fuck with me, i wasted my time." i was about to leave when he muttered.

"but you fucked with me."

i scoffed.

but again, he grabbed my arms. can he just stop? i looked back glaring at him.


"you literally took my virginity, this is your responsibility." he begged.



it's 2 am and i'm writing this shitty story. i'm sorry if this is too lame, i'm just an amateur writer.

i unpublished my other books since i thought i need to finish this first. however, i'm starting to get writer block again. but i'll try to write tomorrow. ty'all for the greetings!

『 virginity + jhs 』COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now