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"sorry yeonwa, i'm going to have dinner with y/n already." he took her arms away from him and smiled a little.

i was shocked but relieved at the same time. i looked at yeonwa as her smile quickly faded and shocked all over her face because hoseok rejected her offer.

"w-what? l-let's just go together!" she cling as she was about to cry and looked at me, "why are you choosing me over her?! do you not like me anymore?!" she shouted and stomped her feet.

now i see, a spoiled brat. she's an adult but her mind stays at 3, what the heck.

"it's not like that, yeonwa—" hoseok tried to calm her down but she threw tantrums in front of him more.

"ugh, i hate you! i thought you like me!" she shouted as tears flowed down her cheeks.

hoseok panicked and tried to calm her down as she cried like a fucking 3 yrs old. i crossed my arms and watched her in disgust. she's overreacting, seriously.

"look, i didn't say i like you. i mean i thought we're friends?" hoseok said as he held her shoulders.

she sobbed and glared at hoseok, "friends?! your mom promised me you'll marry me when we we're a kid!"

"that was when we were a kid yeonwa, we're adult now. so please, grow up." he begged and noticed his frown on his face.

"no! i'm telling your mom that you hate me!" she dramatically yelled and escaped from his hold then ran away from us while crying.

once she was away, i clapped.

"damn, what kdrama is this?" i continued clapping until hoseok glared at me.

"c'mon, it's not funny." he sighed and rubbed his forehead.

"it is," i laughed, "she's so dramatic, how old is she? 3? you should've gave her milk so she would stop crying." i continued laughing.

"it's not funny, y/n." he seriously said and looked at me with worried face as if he wanted to run after her.

i scoffed, "why do you look so worried?"

"because i am," he bit his lip, "she will tell my mom and her mom."

"so what?" i crossed my arms.

"you don't understand," he closed his eyes as his frustration was displayed on his face.

"i won't understand until you say what the heck is going on." i rolled my eyes.

he sighed once again, "let's go inside the car."

we opened the door and as soon we sat comfortably on our seat, he started speaking, "my mother and her mom wanted us to get married ever since we were young. yeonwa liked me since then so she begged her mother that she wanted to get married with me when we become an adult." he played with his fingers and continued.

"but as i said, when i came to seoul, i was free from yeonwa. when i was here, they would always talk about the wedding. they would always set up a date for the two of us. they schedule everything for me and yeonwa. i can't do anything so i just agree until they feel satisfied." he looked at the building where yeonwa ran to.

"and i guess yeonwa got the wrong signal. she always cling, but she's nice and pretty desce—"

"do you like her?" i cut him off.

"no." he straight forwardly said as he sighed over again.

"then say it to your mom, her mom and yeonwa that you don't like her, that you don't want things like this—"

『 virginity + jhs 』COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now