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"NO FUCKING WAY!" both jimin and hoseok shouted.

everyone looked at the both of them while they looked at each other. they scoffed and glared at taehyung who's in shock right now due to the shout.

"what the fuck? i didn't ask the both of you, i asked this dare to y/n." he mocked.

"i told you we don't do dirty dares taehyung. get the fuck out of here." a man with small eyes and black hair said.

i didn't move an inch ever since taehyung said that and both jimin and hoseok shouted as if they were the one who was asked. i wouldn't do it anyways, why are they so loud for? i mean who would hump a stranger if you're in the right mind? i ain't gonna try to be a slut.

"you guys are no fun." taehyung stood up and walked towards the door, but before he left, he shot a middle finger to hoseok and jimin then ran. what the heck is wrong with that person?

"is he on drugs again?" a tall man said.

"perhaps. it's obvious." a man with a little big nose said and has a bunny tooth. i find it cute since earlier to be honest.

"y/n, sorry for that fucktard." seokjin said to me.

"u-uhm, it's okay." i awkwardly said.

i looked at hoseok and he was nibbling his fingers. my eyes went to jimin who was clenching his jaw. what's wrong with them?

"alright, let's end this shit since taehyung ruined it anyways." the tall man said again.

"let's go outside everyone, let's party!"

everyone cheered and got out from the room. the three of us was left again, so i looked at the both of them. i hate awkwardness the most, ugh.

"i-i'm going to the restroom." i glanced at hoseok and he slowly nodded.

jimin walked passed me without talking. i rolled my eyes and clenched my purse. i turned my heels to find the restroom but it was hard since it's very crowded like a club. is this even a house? who the hell would clean up this disgusting house especially when some probably made a mess while making out.

i finally found the restroom and did my thing quickly. i retouch my make-up and quickly got out. this is so crowded and noisy, how the fuck am i gonna find hoseok?

my feet is starting to feel numb so when i saw a mini bar counter, i took the seat. i massaged my ankle but i noticed someone sit beside me. i ignored and continued to massage my feet until,

"are you really hoseok's girlfriend?" a high pitched voice asked.

i lifted my head and saw a woman with short red dress, paired with red high heels and smokey make-up.

"yes, why?" i confidently said and put back my heels.

i was shook when she literally rolled her eyes on me. excuse me?

"you know i'm one of his ex. i'm jihee" she scoffed and brought one of her cigarette then put it in her mouth.

"okay." i'm not in the mood for story telling so i grabbed my purse and was about to leave when she grabbed my arms, "excuse me?" i glared at her hand.

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