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"so you weren't virgin all this time?"

hoseok looked shocked to see me. i even shocked myself for letting my thoughts out through my mouth. i stared into his eyes.

"y/n i can explain—"

"what's there to explain hoseok?" i pointed at the girl, "she clearly said you took her virginity. were you playing with me all this fucking time?"

i ignored the girl besides us but gritted my teeth. i'm so frustrated. if it wasn't for him, i'm not here at gwangju. i wish i didn't meet him at all, i don't want to see him exists. maybe he meant the words back then, he was just playing all along, because he thinks i'm easy.

"no, y/n please—" hoseok walked towards me but i put my hands up.

"stop, i'm going home." i said and turned my heels. but before i go, i glanced back.

"well lied, jung hoseok."

i heard him shout my name but i quickly ran. i don't know where i was going neither where i am, i ran to an unknown path. i don't want to think anymore, i—i don't feel anything.

i walked into the busy city, still not know where i'm going. i should go home. there's no reason for me to stay here anyways.

i don't know how transportation works here so i got no option but to get help from taehyung. i called his number and he picked up seconds after.

"hello, taehyung?"

"y/n? oh, what's up?"

i gulped before saying the big favor i was gonna ask him. i got no other option but this.

"can you take me home?"


"sorry for bothering you," i bit my lip. "i got no one to contact and i don't know how to take the subway." i confessed.

"it's okay, i was going home anyways." he smiled.

i looked outside the window and sighed. thankfully, taehyung didn't ask about what happened. he just patted my back and let me sit on his car, he's so nice. maybe calling him wasn't a wrong decision after all.

the ride was long but i managed to took a nap. i was suddenly feeling so tired and my eyes felt heavy as i stare outside the window with a slow jam music.

taehyung tapped my shoulders, "we're here."

i looked around and saw my neighborhood. i felt relieved and comfortable as i stepped out. damn, i missed this.

"wanna go lunch tomorrow?" taehyung smiled cutely.

i just pursed my lips and nodded, "thankyou for the ride, i'll make it up to you tomorrow."

taehyung bid a goodbye and went to his car. once his car was dashed off, i walked towards my door and opened it.

i arranged my things before taking a bath and sleep, all i need right now is sleep. once i was done in my routine, i threw my self on the bed.

i stared at the ceiling.

why can i feel nothing?

i touched my chest, wait—is my heart frozen or something? what he did was a whole ass jerk but when i heard him say the words, i felt nothing. what do you expect from a jung hoseok anyways? he literally begged me for his virginity, what kind of person would do that?

『 virginity + jhs 』COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now