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i pushed hoseok immediately and he bumped his back on the wall opposite from mine. he scoffed and pursed his lips while looking at me.

"stop this," i said before looking at him.

"stop what?" he asked while approaching me once again.

he seemed really drunk and he wasn't his usual self, he looked darker.

"everything. i don't want to be involve with you anymore." i said and closed my eyes.

i started to feel dizzy again and felt like i would collapse any moment. i tightened my hold from my purse.

"why?" he stopped approaching me and looked on the ground, "because you don't feel the same as mine?"

i gulped when i noticed he closed his fist. i bit my lip and turned my heels then started to walked away. i was walking away when hoseok held me back again.

i looked at him while he tightly gripped on my arms which started to hurt me.

"alright, i won't be involve with you anymore if that's what you want." he said before letting go and walking away.

i sighed and started walking towards our table. i saw taehyung and jimin yelling while the others slept. i saw the yoongi boy sleeping under the table while namjoon stood up when he saw me.

"oh y/n, hoseok just left." he smiled.

i nodded. seemed like namjoon was the only stable one here. others looked knocked out and sleeping.

"no! i will stay here! my new friends are here!"

i looked over jimin who was pulling taehyung off the sofa to go home.

"friends with a fucking sofa and a bottle of soju?! let's go home, you're fucking drunk!" jimin yelled.

"n-no! sofie needs me!" taehyung yelled back while holding tightly onto the sofa.

"who the fuck is sofie?! don't tell me it's that sofa?" jimin sighed.

i heard namjoon breathe loudly beside me. i sighed along with him.

"y'all are so loud, get out of my room," we heard a voice under the table.

"yoongi-hyung, this isn't your room." namjoon bend down the table.

"what—" we heard a bang on the table, "fuck, it hurts." yoongi groaned.

namjoon sighed again, "guys, let's go home." namjoon woke up the others.

luckily, jimin managed to take taehyung by promising they would come back for 'sofie'. we all went out and said goodbyes to each other.

"we'll take taehyung's car, get taehyung home." namjoon ordered to jimin then walked away.

i followed jimin who was literally dragging taehyung, he was holding taehyung's shirt while taehyung grind on the ground. i felt bad for taehyung but i was too tired to even yell at jimin.

we went to jimin's car and he harshly pushed taehyung inside that made taehyung groaned and whined in pain.

"y/n, let's go—"

"ughk!" jimin stopped when we heard something inside the car.

we both peaked and saw tahyung throw up on the seat including the seat i was about to sit on.

"ugh! i just cleaned those earlier! what are we going to do now?!" he glanced over my supposed seat then looked at me, "how are you going to sit now?"

"i can just take the bus." i smiled.

"what? do you think i'm gonna let you? it's midnight—"

"i'll take her home,"

we heard a voice behind so we looked and saw him there leaning on the wall while his hands were inside his pocket.

"i thought you went home?" jimin asked.

"i forgot my keys on the table so i came back inside." he said and waved his keys, "i'll take her home."

he seemed like he somehow slightly recovered from alcohol.

i wished jimin would not agree but i was wrong, "yes please, taehyung vomited on all seats." jimin frustratedly said.

"i'll just take the bus." i said again.

"y/n, it's dangerous. do you how deadly this world is?" jimin said dramatically.

he just sighed and went inside his car. he then drove away, just leaving me like that. i scoffed and looked back at hoseok who was already looking at me.

"let's go." he said and started walking.

"you go, i'm taking the bus." i said and started walking away.

"stubborn." i heard him muttered.

i scoffed and fasten my pace. i didn't feel him following me so felt relieved but disappointed at the same time.

i walked through the dark streets. ugh, why does the street lights here are so dim? i fasten my pace again which more seemed like i was running. it's almost 3 am and i'm walking here alone with a fucking dress on.

my heart raced when i heard foot steps behind me. my eyes didn't dare to look back and i started to sweat. i felt like the path won't end so i decided to run and i still didn't see the bus stop. was this street usually this long?

my feet started to hurt due to my heels but i run as quickly as i could when i saw shadows behind me. shivers went down my spine and my hairs on my neck stood. i gasped when i was suddenly pulled into a hug.

a hug.

i looked up to see hoseok, "what are you doing?! let go of me—"

"please let me hug you just this time. things have been hard to me these days. i feel suffocated and you're my only escape." he whispered and dig in his face on my shoulders.

my shoulders felt wet and warm suddenly. is he crying?

"h-hoseok, are you crying?" i asked while my body stood frozen.

"my parents keep on controlling me everyday, my dad's been pressuring me so does my mom—" he sobbed.

i stood there frozen while i let him cry on my shoulders. suddenly, i somehow felt a pinch on my heart. he cried like a baby and keep on sobbing while tightening his hug on me. the silent street was now filled with his cries.

he then pulled away and looked at me, "about the girl who approached me, y/n i swear—"

"i told you, i don't want to hear any of your explanations again." i backed away.

"y/n listen, please." he begged.

i felt his sincerity so i stood still and waited for his explanation.

"i was drunk that time at the club at gwangju and she said we both left the club together. i don't clearly remember things but i still remember certain events. she brainwashed me—"

"you don't need to explain hoseok. you deceived me and i don't think things would change even if you explain—"

"i never took someone's virginity, i was virgin."

i stopped talking and i felt like a cat got my tongue. i looked at him while breathing heavily. why does things turns out like this? why is he being like this? why does he keep on confusing me?

"wouldn't that change anything?"


i'm sorry if today's chapter is kinda shitty, my brain is rotten tonight i can't think of any twist but thankyou for the 3K!!! i feel like it was just yesterday when i was so happy to receive 200 reads lmaoo. thankyou for staying with me and this shitty story! 💜😩

i won't be able to update next week since it's our exam for 3 days but i'll try my best bc i think i will be able to. wish me luck!!!

i'm gonna unpublish truth or die, should i? goodnight, ily'all💜😩

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