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to: taehyung

sorry tae, but i don't think i'll be able to eat with you. sorry, i'll make it up to you next time :)

i waited for a response but i lost my patience and shove my phone inside my pocket.

i breathe in and out and started walking with my heels thumping against bare ground. i approached the door where i supposed he went in back.

i turned the knob and saw him holding yeonwa's hand. i scoffed and felt anger building up inside of me. i felt like my face was going to explode anytime, and my body would burst out the longer i stare at them.

they didn't notice my presence and i was shocked when hoseok started leaning closer to yeonwa. i didn't hear what yeonwa said or read her mouth since her back was facing me.

hoseok was only inches away from yeonwa when i stomped my feet towards him and grabbed his wrist. hoseok looked shocked as well as yeonwa.

"hey, what are you going to do with hobi—"

"you have nothing to do with it so stay on your line and shut the fuck up." i cursed and slammed the door.

i kept dragging hoseok while he stumbled a little because of his clumsiness. i rolled my eyes.

we went to the end of the hallway where no one come and see us.

i threw his hands on the air and crossed my arms.

"what was that y/n?" he groaned.

"what?" i scoffed.

"that, why did you suddenly pull me? you even cursed at yeonwa—"

"do you really like me?"

hoseok looked shocked by my words as well as myself. where did i get these words from? where did i get this courage to burst out this embarrassing words in front of him?

ugh, y/n what are you doing? i face palmed myself inside my mind.

"h-huh? i mean i do but why are you asking—"

"do you also like yeonwa?" i rolled my eyes and didn't care anymore.

"what? no—"

"then if i didn't pull you right there, you would have kissed yeonwa. is it normal for you to like multiple women and just kiss them? or are your lips just really kiss every woman it see?" i scoffed.

"kiss? i wasn't going to kiss yeonwa—"

"then what? you're just going to feed her? with your lips? i saw it with my own eyes!" i yelled.

"just let me finish first, i wasn't going to kiss yeonwa okay?" he said calmly, "she was asking me to blow her eyes since a dust came in."

i froze on my spot as soon as i realized how stupid i am.

i don't understand why i had to pull him away from her? so what if he kiss her? so what if he likes her? how does it have to do with me?

i avoided eye contact immediately and bowed my head.

ground, please eat me. i'm tasty, i promise.

i was about to turn my heels and run from embarrassment when hoseok grabbed my arms. he leaned my back on the wall and chuckled.

"so you really are jealous," he mocked.

"i told you i'm n-not!" i said and tried to get away from him but he put his both arms beside me, trapping me between him and the wall.

"yes, you are." he smiled and suddenly pointed his lips, "and this? this is only yours."

"go away—" i spoke but a pair of warm lips zipped my own mouth.

my eyes widened to see hoseok's face inches away from mine. his eyes was closed and passionately kissed me. his lips are so addictive and i automatically kissed back.

hoseok smiled between our lips and i felt his teeth grinding against mine. he nibbled and licked my lower lip asking for an entrance which i gave him easily. he inserted his tongue inside and explored every part of my mouth. i put up my hands on his neck and wrapped it.

hoseok hugged my waist and pulled me closer to his body. he groaned when he felt my body colliding with his.

i won't lie, it turned me on.

i tugged his hair and pulled his head even more closer to deepen the kiss.

it seemed like we were so drowned to even care if people pass by seeing us making out.

he was removing his tongue inside when i bit it and took this chance to enter mine. i also explored his tasty mouth and his saliva mixed into mine. every time i move my tongue, i would feel hoseok moving his hands up and down.

we deepened the kiss even more and stopped to catch our breath. he put his forehead into mine and i thought we were done when hoseok pushed me and i stumbled upon a dark room.

this must be the janitor's room.

i heard when the door locked and gasped when hoseok pulled me closer again. he kissed me and slowly slid down his lips towards my neck. he used his tongue and even bit my skin all around my neck. he held the back of my head and suddenly found my sweet spot.

as much as i don't want to let out sinful sound, i can't help but moan when he started to nibble on it.

he smiled again against my skin and bit it. i groaned when he started to suck on it and i tugged on his hair.

i moaned once again and yelped when hoseok squeezed my butt. i was shocked but even more shocked when i bumped into him more closer.

that's when i felt his bulge.

i moaned when hoseok continuously pleasured my neck and started to slid in his hand on my polo. he failed to touch my bare skin since my polo was tucked in and i was wearing a blazer.

he stopped and groaned.

i chuckled but yelp when i heard my shirt being tore up. i gasped when i felt cold air hitting my body.

"hoseok!" i hit his shoulders but all i heard is chuckle.

he took this chance to touch my skin smoothly while staring into my eyes. the room was dark but his eyes still managed to sparkle.

i felt so lost and let myself give in into his magical world inside his orbs.

"you won't be leading this time missy," he said and unclasped my bra.

he let it fall on the floor and i felt his big hands covering my breasts.

"you'll see my dominant side now." he smirked and squeezed.

i gulped.

i wasn't ready for this, and i think i'll never be.  


the next chapter will be in private again. you guys probably know my reason right? and i'll be publishing the next chapter soon and maybe delayed since we have no wifi yet and using my data. i love you all and thankyou!💜

hoely water, please guide me.

『 virginity + jhs 』COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now