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"hey y/n! what are you doing here........?" taehyung stopped beside me and looked at the both of them.

my eyes are still glued to hoseok as he look back on me. i didn't see any guilt in his eyes, nor sincerity towards me. i just wasted my time with him, i shouldn't had help him at first.

"what the fuck is happening?" taehyung crossed his arms.

jimin stood up and left hoseok on the ground coughing blood, "why are you with y/n?" he wiped the blood beside his lips using the back of his hand then looked at taehyung.

"why does it matter? why the fuck did you guys fight, are you both out of your minds?" taehyung scoffed.

"you don't need to know." he positioned his gaze on me, "where were you? you left me and i tried to find you everywhere."

"i'm going home." i said without answering jimin's question.

i glanced at hoseok one more time, he literally passed out on the ground. he got many bruises on his face but still kept the innocent feature. i can't believe this jerk i'm seeing right now was the one who kissed me sweetly earlier.

"let's go y/n." taehyung was about to grab my shoulders but jimin stopped him.

"you? taking y/n home?" he fake chuckled, "i'll take her home instead." jimin said and tried to reach me but taehyung held me closer to him.

"nice try but i asked first." taehyung smirked at pissed jimin.

"she's my friend, fuck off. y/n, let's go." jimin tried to grab me again but taehyung pulled me closer to him, bumping me onto his chest.

"i asked her first, jimin. do you want us to fight too?" taehyung sighed.

"i'm her friend so i'm the one who should—"

"i'm her boyfriend." a voice interrupted.

we all looked at hoseok who's trying his best to stand up. he licked his bloody lips and glanced at the three of us. he started walking.

"boyfriend? don't come near or i'll lose my control and kill you." jimin threatened.

hoseok stayed unbothered by  jimin's threat and keep on walking. once he reached us, he forcefully grabbed me from taehyung.

"hey!" taehyung yelled.

"take your dirty hands off of her you dick!" jimin was about to punch hoseok again but taehyung stopped him.

"stop using your fist, it's not helping." taehyung scoffed.

i glance over his hands that has been gripping on my arms, "let go." i muttered.

"no." he then dragged me towards his car and taehyung tried to catch us but hoseok was being so fast to pulled me.

his grip on my arms is so aggresive, this may cause a bruise later. i winced in pain when he forcefully made me sit on passenger seat. he then opened the door for the driver seat and sat.

i didn't say or rant anything but tried to open the door. it's locked, nice. "open it." i gritted my teeth.

he didn't answer me but started the engine and quickly drove away from the parking lot. i glanced at the rear mirror and saw jimin running, trying to catch us but gave up since hoseok was driving too fast.

"get me the fuck out of here, jung hoseok."

"no. stay there." he suddenly stopped the car and leaned over me to buckle my seat belt. he first glanced at me before continuing to drive.

i stayed on my seat. if i rant here, i know he wouldn't open the door anyways. i don't want to waste any energy, i'm too tired. both physically and emotionally.

i stared at the window until the car stopped, i looked at him. he was looking in front of the car, so i tried to look at where he was looking and saw han river. why the heck are we here?

"i'm sorry." he started.

i didn't say anything and tried to control my anger. if i lose my control, i might drown hoseok into the river without mercy.

"it was a dare. i need to."

"don't explain, i don't need it. open the door." i gripped on the handle but he didn't budge and continued to explain.

"they said if i don't make out with jihee, they won't let the dare for you earlier slip. i know you don't like parties and this kind of thing so i accepted it. i dragged you into this anyways." he sighed.

"open the damn door."

"for the earlier, i didn't mean it. i actually said it because it felt nice to see jimin jealous, i'm sorry it was too childish. i—i actually didn't saw you earlier, jimin just said you saw us." he let go of the steering wheel and looked at me.

"everything i said was the opposite. i'm really sorry. i know i've been too insensitive and selfish, i made this deal. i'm really sorry."

i swallowed and tried not to react.

"don't worry, our deal ends here." he breathe, "no more pretending, no more parties and shit. like what we agreed before, the coordinators already settled a position for you in the company. you can start working tomorrow." he smiled a little.

i kinda forgave him for the issues earlier since he explained but it's kinda disappointing it's now over. back to my life again, work, sleep and eat. i feel like coming back to reality.

"i know you don't want to see my face once again after the things i did to you. in case you're bothered because i'll be in the same company as you, don't worry."

suddenly i heard a clicked on a door. it's open, finally. i grabbed my purse and ready to go out when,

"i won't be in seoul anymore, i'm going back to gwangju tomorrow." he then stared at the river then looked at me, "it was nice meeting you y/n, thankyou for everything. this time, let's forget each other for real." he inhaled then looked away.

i looked at him as he gripped on the steering wheel, "you can go out now, thankyou for listening."

a pang of unexplainable feeling hit my heart. i gripped on the door, it's opened but i don't feel like leaving the car.

knowing this is our last night seeing each other makes me feel sick and bothered.

it's over now, it's finally over. alright, let's both forget just like what i said from the start, before all of this happened.

goodbye, jung hoseok.


thankyou for the support guys, ily'all so much😩💖

released run ep tonight but i need to update this book bc i'm a shitty writer jsksjksjska i gotta go sleep i'm fucking sleepy, my eyes is getting heavier and tried my best to finish the chapter so it's obviously a non-sense chap lmaoooo

goodnight guys, i love you all! take care of yourselves💖

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