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"i'm sorry but i don't remember having a mom."

i said and yanked my hand back. she seemed shocked, as well as my auntie. i looked at my auntie who was unbelievably looking at me.

"is this the only reason why you wanted me home?" i asked coldly.

"y/n, i'm sorry. mom is so happy to see—"

"i don't have a mom." i said and glared at her but my auntie grabbed my arms tightly.

"pull yourself together, y/n! she's your mom! how dare you show your attitude like that?!" my auntie yelled.

"mom? i ruined her life by having me, you said it yourself!" i yelled back while holding my tears in.

"you brat—"

"it's okay, unnie. i can understand her." the woman stopped my auntie.

"no, this brat grew up like she has no manner at all! she needs a scolding!" my auntie shouted and was about to slap me when i stopped her arms.

"i don't need your scolding anymore. i'm not a kid." i said and scoffed.

"look how your child grew up! i gave her everything i could give her and even provide her a shelter for free—"

"unnie! stop it, let's go now. y/n's not ready yet." she said and pulled my auntie away while my auntie kept on yelling at me.

"this is why we disgrace you!" she yelled.

i did not look back and just lowered my head. i slowly moved my feet but my legs suddenly wobbled and i fell on the ground.

my legs felt weak.

my heart clenched.

my mind wrecked.

i didn't know i was already sobbing and tears kept on rolling as they come on the side of my face. tears that i didn't want to come out, tears that i didn't like to keep rolling on my face right now. but what can i do? i think my eyes didn't want to stop sweating this time.

why does she have to come back? after they slapped me the truth that they already disowned me from the day i was born, that i ruined their youth because they had me in early age? do they know how much insult i received from people? do they know how much threats—how many times i endured it all?

my auntie hated my guts and wished for my death. she gave me everything she could give me? maybe she did but i wouldn't get it unless i do something in return.

people in my class laughed at me for not having parents unlike them. friends left me for reasoning out my non-existence parents. but why does it have something to do with me? my parents left me, yes. but i'm still here as y/n, not as a disown daughter.

my relatives still treat me as a trash and as if my blood didn't come from them. they act as if i'm an outcast in their family, like i don't even belong, like i don't deserve to be with them.

i remembered coming to my cousin's parties as a kid, they didn't even let me have fun. instead, they ordered me to serve the guest and even wash the dishes.

but what can i do?

i'm just a mistake, after all. a mistake that everybody wanted to disappear leaving no trace and act as if i didn't exist at all.

i stood up with my wobbly legs and was about to go over my house when i lost my balance.

i was so ready to feel the surface but a pair of hands held me on my shoulders to keep me standing.

i looked up to see him.

"how many times do i have to tell you that you shouldn't cry?"


instead of stop crying and pushed him off of me, i did the opposite.

i let my body collide with his chest and sobbed harder. i let all the tears come out from my eyes and expected my eyes to be sore later but i didn't care. i didn't care as long as i take these all out.

because i don't think my heart can take it anymore. after all the years of pain, this was the only time i cried so hard.

y/n, when did you become so weak like this?

slowly, i felt him wrapping his arm around me while the other hand stroke my hair in a soothing motion.

he didn't speak a word and just made me feel comfortable in his warm embrace.

after i already calmed my self down, i wiped my tears and noticed his shoulders soaking wet from my tears.

i backed away and looked at him who was genuinely looking at me, "y-your suit, it's wet—i-i'm sorry," i said and put my head down while biting my lower lip.

"it's okay, don't worry." he said.

"i'm sorry for being such a crying baby, i literally got your suit soaked in tears." i said, still keeping my head lowered.

"hey," his slender fingers gently held my chin and made me face his angelic face. "i did this before too. it's normal to cry like a baby sometimes." he chuckled.

"your sobs were louder as if a real baby was crying," i laughed.

"it's because i'm still baby. i got baby face, can't you see?" he said and leaned his face while doing an aegyo.

"cringe," i said and pushed his face, "why are you here? don't you have work?"

he didn't answer me and held up my purse. ah, i forgot to bring it with me since i was in rush.

i was about to grab it but hoseok held it higher than his height. again?

"what are you doing? give me that!" i said and tried to reach for it but no avail.

"get it if you can reach it," he smirked.

i frowned and made me irritated again. as i said before, hoseok was never my mood booster.

"ugh, you're so annoying again! give me my fucking purse!" i cursed and jumped to reach it but i regret it immediately as soon as i lost my balance.

i stumbled onto hoseok and i laid my palm on his chest for support. i looked up and saw his face inches away from mine.

i panicked and backed away but hoseok held my waist then pulled me back. i gasped while widening my eyes at him. he just stared at me while still keeping my purse up and his other arm was wrapped tightly around my waist.


i was cut off when i felt a warm soft plump on my lips. i looked at hoseok's leaned face, his eyes were closed and his arms around me tightened.

my heart skipped a beat and i felt my face heating up. tingling sensation started to occur on my tummy and it didn't help at all.

at a leisurely pace, he backed away while still staring. his eyes felt like eating my soul and i didn't know what to do. his eyes is so beautiful and i felt so lost by staring back. his beautiful orbs looked into mine while shining.

he smiled and pulled me closer again.

"i love you."


how about we get this shit end soon? btw, is lower case not comfortable in a story? i felt like it look dumb lmaooo. goodnight and i love you guys!💜 sorry for not updating as often as back then but thankyou for 4k ugH😩💜

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