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i looked up to see hoseok, looking anywhere else but me. i quickly wiped my tears.

"go away." i said and bit my lip to prevent my tears from continuously flowing out.

"i'll take care of that douchebag, don't worry." he said with a serious tone.

i rolled my eyes and scoffed, "douchebag? isn't that you too? take care of yourself first."

he finally looked at me but quickly looked away and looked ahead. he didn't answer and just stared at nowhere.

"i'm going home," i said and was about to run through the rain when he grabbed my arms.

when will he stop grabbing my arms and stopping me? i'm sick of this.

"i'm sorry," he sighed, "i know i played with your feelings and didn't even think about how you would feel."

"just go away and i'll be fine." i said.

"but my feelings also involves here that's why this happened." he bowed his head.

i tilted my head, "your feelings? what about your feelings?"

"i-it's nothing," he looked away again.

"okay, don't come near me neither show infront of me. also, i'm resigning from your company soon so we won't see each other. have a good lif—"

"i like you,"

it didn't shock me but scoffed instead, "stop the act, i know your style. just get lost and everything will be ok—"

"i really like you from the very first time you kissed me," he looked at me in the eyes. "believe me or not, it was my very first time to like a girl like this so i wanted to be involve more around you so my stupid mind decided to reason out virginity."

cat got my tongue and i didn't dare to move any muscle, i can't even look at him so i look at the ground.

how can he be so stupid? i don't know either he's telling the truth or just reasoning out again. i don't trust him, i won't trust him again. i don't wanna be fooled again.

"i'm sorry for the sudden confession but i thought this is the best time to say the main reason." he said.

"you got a girlfriend." i bit my lip.

"about that, it was my mom's decision to make me introduce her to my dad since she found out we fought. her dad suddenly wanted to be our business partner if i make his daughter my girlfriend and personal—"

"i'm sick of your explanations jung hoseok," i faced him, "no matter how hard you explain everything, i don't know if i'll believe you. don't try to explain yourself because it's all nonsense to me. all i want now is to stay away from you." i said while my eyes showed frustration.

"i said i like you y/n—"

"do you think i care for your feelings hoseok? you didn't even care about my pride and dignity back then." i said.

"y/n, i'm really sorry. please just—"

"just stay away from me. that's it." i sighed.

he bowed his head and his shoulder moved down a little. i felt guilty but i know i shouldn't.

"i'm going home," i said and turned my back at him.

i didn't hear him answer but instead, the rain started to pour hard that made loud noise around us. i was about to walk out from the cover of his umbrella when i stopped.

"and i'm sorry," i breathe and looked ahead, "but i don't like you."

hoseok didn't answer again and i decided to just get away. i'm ready to be soaked running through the rain when he pulled my hand and placed the umbrella around my palm.

i looked confusingly at him and he suddenly looked up to have an eye contact with me. we both stared at each other for good 5 seconds until he spoke.

"it's okay." he said and quickly turned around.

i was about to give his umbrella back when he ran fast through the rain while placing his hoodie on his head. i stared at him while he ran away with his sweats soaking with rain.

he's gonna be sick.

wait—i don't care whether he get sick or even die. i won't be visiting his burial either—well this is too much but still i don't care about him anymore.

i looked at the umbrella i'm holding on my hand and tightened my grip on it.

why is he like this? why is he always making me feel guilty even though he was the one who's at fault?

was saying i don't like him too harsh?

i shook my head, "well i don't really like him—"

i stopped when everything reflected on my mind. i remember the way he would smile or laugh because of unfunny things, the way he laugh so loud amd embarrass himself, that time when he told me not to cry, that time when he kissed me softly under the bright moon—

i shook my head again and walked slowly to my home.

ugh jung hoseok, why are you confusing me?

while walking home, i convinced myself that jung hoseok is just another jerk. that jung hoseok was just acting earlier to play with my feelings and mind again.

but why did i felt the sincerity while he was saying those words?

i arrived infront of my house to see my auntie holding a black umbrella. i quickly walked to her.

why is she here? does she need the money that much so she even came here?

i sighed before bowing at her, "hello auntie, i will deposit the money soon—"

"that's not the reason why i'm here." she coldly said, "let's go inside first."

i nodded and opened the door. i made her sit on my sofa and made a coffee for her. i sat on the sofa opposite beside her while i watch her drink the coffee i made.

she twitched her mouth that made me rolled my eyes.

"so auntie, what brings you here?" i forced a smile.

she put down the cup of coffee and fixed her posture then looked at me seriously.

i got scared for a second about what she will tell me. i gulped until i heard her spoke.

"your parents came back."


ik a lot of u thinks this is getting shittier, i'm sorry :( i'm having a writer's block sometimes so this is shitty lol.

jung hoseok ended the in my feelings challenge lollll

i also updated truth of die lol good night and ily'all 💜

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