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an awkward silence has eaten all the oxygen inside the car. i stiffed on my position and didn't even bother to move although my body is so itchy to flex. i stared at the window while pushing my lips in, this is so awkward.

once the car has stopped, we came to a mansion that we're lighten up by different types of party lights. i startled a little when hoseok moved and muttered, "l-let's go."

i nodded quickly and hopped outside the car while fanning myself. that was a long ass awkward ride i've never experienced before.

he looked at me awkwardly and was about to say something when i just nodded. i understand that he wanted me to follow him inside, so i did.

when i reached the doorstep, i heard a loud blast of music, yelling, and shouting of various swears inside.

the guard quickly opened the door as soon as he saw hoseok and was about to follow him inside when the guard stopped me, i looked at up to him.

"excuse me?" i tilted my head.

"you're not familiar to me either my boss told me a face like you would come." his deep voice replied, suiting his giant body.


"she's my girlfriend." hoseok popped out of nowhere and grabbed my wrist.

the guard said sorry and bow to me. hoseok dragged me inside the house but before we reach the front door, i noticed some couples making out in the garden, pool, bench—they're everywhere actually. is this some pda house or something, that's gross. kissing a man infront of everyone—ugh why did he kiss me anyways? why didn't i stop hoseok earlier? i'm so stupid to fell for his sweetness.

when we reached the house, hoseok dragged me to where his friends are. we were walking when someone surprised hoseok that made him let go of my wrist and yelled like a gay.

he actually got surprised just for that? i didn't even budge.

"ooooooh, jung hoseok came!" he then pat hoseok's shoulder.

"shut up taehyung, i'm about to see the others."

i stood there looking so lost while wanting to vomit because pda's everywhere. if i said everywhere, they're LITERALLY here making out and dry humping in every corner of the house.

"where's your girlfriend? i thought you'd bring her?"

"y/n?" hoseok called me that made me look away from the wild animals.

"omg is that her?" the guy widened his eyes and analyzed my body, head to toe so i felt uncomfortable.

"stop staring you dick." hoseok scoffed.

thanks hoseok, his stare is no joke.

"if she's your girlfriend, then why are you two so distanced by each other?—did you two fight?" the man asked hoseok.

hoseok shook his head, "no, stupid."

"then hold her beside close to you or i might bang her on my bed tonight." he then winked at me.

"get lost, shithead." he smacked and the guy chuckled.

"by the way, there's a new guy in our team. he's nice and soft at the same time, he's my friend. be nice to him."

hoseok just scoffed and rolled his eyes until the man left us alone.

hoseok looked at me, "u-uhm, can you move closer to me?" he whispered.

『 virginity + jhs 』COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now