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"hey y/n."

jimin suddenly popped out and i flinched.

"why are you here?"

i was about to answer jimin but i heard a door being opened. i looked behind and saw him there, with her. my eyes landed on their intertwined so i quickly looked away.

"jimin, let's go." i grabbed jimin by his wrist but stopped when i heard hoseok called me.

"y/n, wait."

i scoffed and looked back, "please, just—just get lost and never show infront of me again." i begged.

i quickly pulled jimin and ignored hoseok who was calling me. i hate him, i don't wanna see him, hear him or neither hear his name. i hate him so damn much.

when we reached the exit, jimin yanked his wrist and looked at me weirdly.

"what happened? did he do something to you again?"

i pursed my lips and looked away. "no, i just hate him."


"wanna go grab ice cream?" i cut him off.

he just nodded but still gave me a curious look. not now jimin, i don't wanna talk about him.

we arrived at the ice cream store and ordered. i ordered my favorite, chocolate flavor. we sat beside the window and talked about non-serious things like what bestfriends usually do. we were laughing when a seat was pulled beside us. we looked up and saw him.

"what's up guys?" he smiled.

"taehyung? why are you here?" i asked.

"i was about to pick you up since i asked you for lunch yesterday. but you weren't there and decided to grab an ice cream." he smiled and looked at jimin, "and saw you both here."

oh shit i forgot

"what? lunch with her? why would you eat with y/n?" jimin scoffed.

"why not?" taehyung chuckled.

"are you courting her?"

i widened my eyes. ugh, jimin is so embarrassing. i was about to yell at jimin when taehyung spoke,

"not yet." then taehyung looked at me while smiling.

i gulped and jimin slammed his cup of ice cream on the table, "you can't."

taehyung and i looked at jimin.

"why not?" taehyung mocked.

"j-just because." jimin lifted his chin up and looked so cocky.

"don't tell me you like her?" taehyung asked straight forwardly.

i choked on my ice cream even though i know it's impossible. why are they being like this today?

jimin looked uncomfortable after taehyung asked that. he didn't answer but just pursed his lips with his cheeks tinted in pink. when did he became cute like this? damn.

"i see." taehyung laughed.

"get lost." jimin sneered and started eating his ice cream again.

we all finished our ice cream and got out of the shop. jimin bid a goodbye after our co-worker called him. what a busy dork. i feel like not coming back to the company yet, i still need air after feeling so suffocated earlier.

"are you okay now?" taehyung asked as we are walking on the busy street.

"i guess. thankyou for yesterday." i smiled.

『 virginity + jhs 』COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now