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after the dramatic scene, hoseok took me home. we're standing in front of my doorstep right now.

"you can go now, thanks for taking me home." i smiled a little.

hoseok looked up to me from fidgeting his fingers, "thank you for listening to me earlier." he bit his lip.

"g-go home." i awkwardly said and also bit my lip.

"see you tomorrow at work." he said and waved at me.

i waved back and watched him walk further away from me but suddenly he stopped from his tracks. he turned around and i confusedly looked at him while he walk back to me.


i stopped when he leaned his face closer to mine and peck his lips on my cheeks. my heart suddenly stopped as he slowly backed away.

"goodnight." he said and ran towards his car.

his car slowly drove further away from me. i turned my body towards my door and went inside. once i got inside, i leaned on my door while holding my chest.

since when he became so cute? why did he ran away after kissing me?

"jung hoseok, you coward." i chuckled.

my heart fluttered on how he opened his heart to me. i feel relieved that at least i hope he's feeling much better after he cried it all out.

no matter how much he confused me, he tried his best to explain the truth for me. i feel like jung hoseok doesn't lie but i can't be sure yet.

i walked towards my room and washed up to be ready to sleep. so many things happened again today.

ever since jung hoseok came into my life, i feel like i've been busier and my life had turned up side down. thrill has been applied to my typical boring life.

i laid down and hugged my pillow. a smile was formed on my face before getting into sleep.


i woke up early to work and was walking towards the bus stop when a white car stopped in front of me. i hid smile because i know who it is already.

he came out with a formal tuxedo and waved at me, "i'll take you to work."

he looked so nice and i can't help but to squeal inside me.

i nodded and went inside his car. when the engine started, the ride was quite but not awkward. it was a comfortable silence for us until we reached the company.

i was about to open the door when hoseok stopped me.

"wait," he said and quickly took off his seat belt then ran outside. he went to my side an opened the door for me.

when i came out, i can't help but to laugh. "being a gentleman doesn't suit you, so cringe."

he pouted, "then what suits me? bad boy?" he then show off a dark smirk he had before.

"even more cringe, move away." i walked pass him while laughing.

hoseok ran beside me and asked me non-sense questions while we go inside the company. when arrived inside, we walked directly to the elevator.

he clicked a button while i waited. even more people came in, bowing to hoseok but hoseok just smiled at them nicely. when i saw the floor where my office with jimin supposed to be, i was about to go out when hoseok pulled me.

"this is my floor," i said.

"well, not anymore." he said and smiled.

i looked confusedly at him while he kept me inside the elevator. people inside the elevator already left except for us. when we reached hoseok's desired floor, he pulled me on my wrist.

"what are we doing here?" i asked while mesmerized by the big looking halls. i didn't know this floor existed before?

he didn't answer but instead, he showed me a door and opened it. i saw it was a big office.

"whose is this?" i said and looked around.

everything seemed too organized and the aircon kept the chill inside. i looked at hoseok who sat on the table at the center while crossing his legs.

"my office." he said while he looked at me arrogantly.

"this office is so big for a one person, a mall could fit in here." i exaggerated.

hoseok laughed and glanced at the corner of the office, "not only mine,"

i looked at him while tilting my head in confusion. he pointed at the corner so i turned my head to see another table with also organized stuffs.

"yours too." he said.

i slowly walked over the table. this table is a hundred times bigger than mine before. i love how the table look so clean and untouched unlike my table back then.

i looked at hoseok again, "mine?"

he stood up while fixing his coat and slowly walked towards me. he sat on the nearest sofa and smiled at me.

"all yours, y/n." he reassured.

"why?" i asked while tightening my hold onto my hand bag.

"you're my personal assistant, remember?" he said and chuckled.

i walked towards him and sat on the sofa opposite from him. even the sofa looked untouched as my ass slowly sinked onto the softness. i wanted to lay on this sofa all day, if only i could.

"personal assistant? but i thought your girlfriend is your personal assistant?" i said referring to the girl he introduced to his dad.

he laughed, "girlfriend? who? hyena? my dad and his dad are not business partners anymore. i just did that for the sake of our company."

"but doesn't your dad want your personal assistant to be your girlfriend?" i asked while biting my lip.

he chuckled once again, "that's why i'm having you as my personal assistant." he stood up and sat beside me while having his arms near my shoulders.

"b-but im not your girlfriend." i muttered but i'm one hundred sure hoseok heard it.

he swatted closer to me and put his arms around my shoulders, making me sit closer to his body. i stiffed when i felt the heat of his body grinding against mine. he leaned his lips closer to my ear and,

"then be my girlfriend." he whispered until i felt shivers down my spine.



this chap is kinda out of hand bc my brain has been rotting by exams. i still have one remaining exam tomorrow which is math but i'm here lmaooo sorry for not updating quickly!

do you guys have some book recommendations? it's so hard to find a  book that suits me :( i don't like cringe ones.

goodnight and wish me luck tomorrow, love you y'all!💜

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