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'this is your responsibility'

"did i make him pregnant? no right?! did i ruin his future? no! then why the heck was he acting like that? how the heck am i going to take a responsibility just because i gave him free sex? does he want me to take his virginity back? he's so annoying! he's definitely out of his mind!" i screamed and rolled around my bed.

this is so frustrating!

i was losing my mind when my phone buzzed. i irritatedly answered it and didn't even bother to see who it was.

"hello?!" i screamed.

"ms. y/n? you okay?"

i immediately sat up and check who's the caller,

'ceo jung'

i gasped and cleared my throat, "h-hello sir, sorry for that. do you need help sir?"

i almost die in embarrassment but he quickly talked.

"i would like to see you on my office tomorrow, sharp 9 am. have a goodnight." then he hung up.

what was that? i mean, i never got a call from the ceo. wait. wait—

did my co-workers reported me after my tantrums yesterday? did they want me to be fired? ugh i'm such a mess i swear to god.

i gotta be early so i need to sleep now. i want to forget about everything for a while using my sleep. i hope i get to dream of espresso.


"shit i'm late!"

i immediately grabbed my purse and dashed outside. this is all my dreams fault!

"babygirl suck me."

i continued to suck my daddy until he turn his head back in pleasure—

i don't even wanna think about it. why the hell is he everywhere? all i wanted to do is to forget about what happened to us and live a normal life. can't he do that? until now i'm still thinking how am i gonna take a responsibility when he doesn't even have a fucking vagina to be pregnant.

i took the bus and entered the building. as i entered the building, everybody's keep on staring at me. do i have a poop on my face?

i touched my face but only felt my oils building up. why are they staring? am i that pretty?

i dashed up to the office and again, everybody's keep on looking at me. what the heck? do i seriously have a big booger on my face or something?

i reached my table and asked jimin quickly, who knows maybe this shit knows, he's my only hope.

"hey, what's going on? why are they staring at me?" i poked.

he gave me a blank look, "are you really asking me that?"

uh yeah? do i look like i'm asking self? i rolled my eyes and faced him, "duh? just tell me what's going on. do i have a booger?" i leaned in to him and gave me a disgusted face.

"you really don't know?" he scoffed.

like yeah why the heck am i asking if i know? park jimin should've sucked some common sense when he was born. i rose my eyebrows at him.

"the news are spread all over the building."

"what news?" i tensed up and i suddenly felt uncomfortable.

"that you stole the ceo's son virginity."

"w-what?!" i looked around again and literally my co-workers are gossiping about me.

to escape the embarrassment, i quickly stood up and walked out of the office.

why the heck is this news spreading?!

memories flashed on my mind suddenly, remembering he literally shouted i raped him infront of the people in cafe.

i inhaled and that's when i knew i'm in trouble.

i looked at my wrist watch and saw its almost 9 am. i remembered my ceo wants to see me. why? i mean what have i done? am i not working hard enough?

once i faced the ceo's door, i knocked and got a response quickly. i slowly opened the door to see the ceo pointing the chair infront of his desk.

i bowed and sat, "what can i do for you sir?" i nervously but politely asked.

"jung hoseok." he started.

i faced him with my confused face. jung hoseok? what does he mean?

"are you his girlfriend?"

i looked up to him with my most confused face ever, what is he talking about?

"sir, i don't know what yo—"

"i told you dad, she's my girlfriend. how many times do i have to tell you?"

i froze on my spot once i heard the voice behind me. i definitely know that voice, and that voice belongs to—

"jung hoseok."

i quickly turned my head 360 degrees and i saw him there standing against the door with his arms crossed.

"what? i'm telling the truth." he then walked towards me.

i eyed him carefully, while he walked gracefully and sat his butt infront of me, "right, babe?"

"w-what—" once again, i got cut off.

"alright, she's a good choice son but i'll think about giving her the position of being your personal assistant." the ceo crossed his arms like hoseok.

what? personal assistant? who? me? what? girlfriend? who? me? what the fuck is happening?

"don't even think about it dad." he then eyed me, "after all, she's the one who luckily got my virginity."

luckily? is his virginity a jackpot price or something? and why am i here? and what's going on?

i eyed the father and son, they are both confusing.


thankyou for the people who support this story! ily'all so much!

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