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"stop spouting non-sense."

i said and pushed him off of me.

"i'm not even joking," he said and looked at me.

i awkwardly looked around but him.

"let's get to work," i said and walked towards my table.

"tch. alright." he mocked and walked over his desk.

i was checking the files i was about to work on when hoseok spoke.

"how about we work tomorro—"

he was cut off when i put down the files loudly on the table. hoseok flinched and looked at me.

"i can't belive your dad wanted you to be the president." i sighed and grabbed the files again.

"why? i'm capable of many things." he said while having his chin up.

i scoffed, "then start working." i said and rolled my eyes.

hoseok got scared and sat on his swivel chair, "alright."

hoseok got many schedules for this week. it's also my job to organize these schedules too which is really hard because everybody wanted to meet the 'president' immediately.

i was focusing hard when i heard hummings and few taps on table, add the squeaking chair. i irritably looked at hoseok who was just using his phone while having his feet up the table.

wow, i can't believe this man. it's literally his first day yet he's chilling there as if there were no pile of papers infront of him.

i stood up and slammed my hand on my table which caused his to be shocked and almost dropped his phone.

"you're distracting me." i gritted my teeth.

"why? am i that handsome to distract you just by my presence?" he grinned.

i scoffed, "stop making noisy sounds! ugh, why did you even put me at the same office as you?!" i said and turned my back to go back to my table.

"to watch you." he said and put down his feet.

i faced him, "am i your tv? also, start working!" i yelled.

"this is my office, i can do whatever i want. i don't want to work yet—"

"then tell your dad you're lazy for your work! i'm doing my work here but you're so noisy!" i shout and frustratedly grabbed the files again.

"chill, i'm sorry. i'm hungry." he said and stood up.

"we're literally entered the office five minutes ago and you haven't started any yet." i rubbed my forehead while sighing.

i didn't know working with hoseok is such a difficult task. he's so lousy and i want to smack his head until he lose his consciousness.

"let's eat!" he said excitedly and grabbed his coat.

"but my work—"

"you can just do that later." he said and pulled me to the door.

i didn't protest since i didn't eat any breakfast anyways. my work is so early that i forgot to grab atleast a bread.

hoseok pulled me out of the company but he suddenly walked pass his car. i looked at him as he happily walked without giving a glance over his car.

"hey, aren't we going to use your car?" i asked while still getting my hands pull.

"nope, let's walk." he said and smiled down at me.

『 virginity + jhs 』COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now