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i held my breath for straight 1 minute while frozen still. hoseok suddenly moved his face and leaned in while biting his lips.

i came into my senses and pushed him off of me and stood up to the door, "what do you think you're doing?! get out!" i yelled.

"tsk, i was just kidding around." he shrugged and stood up. he fixed his outfit and looked at me, "why are you so surprised for? i'm not a dominant, you experienced it yourself."

i scoffed, "shut up, can you be serious atleast once?"

"i'll try." he smiled while he sat on my study table, "start asking." he opened every drawer in my table and even scan through my stuffs. does he even know the word 'privacy'?

"i don't get it. no matter how much you explained your ass the other day, it feels like it all doesn't make sense at all." i rolled my eyes in frustration then crossed my arms, "why am i involve here?"

"i didn't want everyone to know that you took my virginity at first. i tried to keep it a secret but when i ran to you in the cafe, i lost my voice control. my voice is usually loud when i talk you know? that day, i came home but my dad wanted to talk to me. that's when he said, 'is she your girlfriend?'" he sighs.

i remembered his dad asking me the same question.

"then i thought the news spread through out the whole building."

"if you weren't that stupid..." i muttered but felt him looked at me.

"i know, i was stupid. but he always check my apartment cctv and saw me making out with you outside my door. i tried to convinced my dad that it was an accident but he asked me if i was on drugs that time. i sneaked out that time but i don't do drugs. then he said 'then it wasn't an accident'." he frowned and looked at me.

"i'm under my dad's eye so i can't escape anymore. can't you do this for me? i feel a lot of pressure from my dad and i don't wanna disappoint him by just saying i fucked around. i told you, i'm really careful that night."

a pang of guilt entered my whole body. so even if the news weren't spread out, his dad would still find out. isn't his dad too possessive for this big ass man? i mean he's an adult now, not a highschooler.

he stood up and smiled on me as he opened the door behind me. his speech once again left me speechless and realized this is partly my fault. so jung hoseok feel a lot of pressure because of me? i admit, i was so selfish that night. i remembered him pushing me off really hard but i really put my pride up to show my ex what i got.

i messed up, i feel sorry for him.

i went outside and saw them both talking. i didn't manage to eavesdrop since hoseok quickly walked away from jimin's grip.

my feet dragged me towards hoseok and started walking when, "y/n, what did he do to you? are you okay?" jimin asked as he checked me out.

"yeah." i bit my lip as i stared into hoseok's figure slowly making it's way to the door.

"d-don't ever go near that man, he's fucking insane. what? fake girlfriend?he totally lost his sanity." jimin mocked.

suddenly hoseok turn his body to face us as he held my doorknob and put on a small smile, "you don't have to do this y/n. he's right, this whole thing sounds crazy and unbelievable." he said pointing out to jimin, "like what you said, let's just forget what happened. alright, let's do that."

"see? i'm the right one here. just don't go near her ever again. you're a psycho." jimin then gritted his teeth.

"have a nice life." he turned the knob and was about to leave when,

"i'll do it. i'll be your girlfriend." i bravely looked up to him.

i saw him froze for a sec but turned his body to me. i felt jimin nudged me and he looked so surprised.

"are you crazy y/n?! you have nothing to do with him—"

"this is partly my fault so i'm also responsible to this." i bit my lower lip while looking apologetic to jimin.

jimin scoffed and grabbed his things, "better not regret this y/n." he then made his way out of my door while bumping his shoulders into hoseok.

"y/n, i-its okay. i mean i can't just force yo—"

"shut up before i change my mind jung hoseok." i closed my eyes for a sec while pursing my lips.

is my decision right? i can't back-out now that i made jimin mad. jimin tried really hard to save me from this situation. how am i gonna say sorry to him now? ugh.

"....am i not forcing you? it's really okay." hoseok nibbled his lips while his hands are still on the knob.

i walked towards him with a firmed expression. he looked at me with poker face but i can see in his eyes the sincerity.

"this is my number, call me whenever you need me." i handed him my calling card.

no one's forcing me to do this, but something did.

my own guiltiness.


i changed cover yEy since dispatch give us some nice ass quality pics😩

hi so i made the chapter 2 private but i tried to unprivate it but i saw that it's impossible to make a chapter public again. i was doubting for a sec but clicked it anyways, but regret it soon. people might think i just want to gain followers. no, i'm not into followers. i made it private because i felt uncomfortable seeing some people skipped it so i thought i need to private it. i'm really sorry😭

btw, our school is starting soon. i'm feeling anxious again since everyone thinks i lost weight :((( i'm such a fat ass :(  i feel a lot of pressure, really.

anyways, thankyou guys ily'all & goodnight!💜

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