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"can you stop crying, mom? you look ugly." taehyung irritatedly complained.

"i-i'm just happy for your sister, t-tae." she held my shoulders and started sobbing.

"he's right, stop crying because you looking ugly, mom." i added.

"she got married, just married, she didn't die." taehyung scoffed.

"why are you two so mean to me?" she sobbed.

taehyung and i stood up to leave our dramatic mother. taehyung offered his hands and i smiled at him before holding it tightly. he suddenly rolled his eyes.

"what the?" i scoffed.

"why did you two got married already? couldn't you wait a little longer?" he sighed while we walk towards the venue.

"why? you'll miss me?" i teased.

"duh, we just knew that we're siblings months ago and now that dick would take you from me?"

i slapped his arms and glared, "we're adults now, we're not high schoolers."

"and so? i'm sure he'll just rip your pussy and leave you—"

"ugh your ugly mouth kim taehyung!" i yelled.

he chuckled and lead me towards the venue where everyone celebrated after my wedding.

i chuckled at my own thought that i already have my own wedding. married to the man i've known even his flaws and mistakes. it's just funny that time really passes so fast.

like who thought i'm actually having my own wedding? that i'm actually wearing this beautiful dress that expertly picked by him. he said every gown suited me but this one made his heart jump up to his throat.

i know, it's too exaggerating because whatever i wear, i probably look like a potato covered in white cloth.

taehyung opened the door for me and everyone diverted their attention to me. they all smiled and looked at me as if i'm a gem standing in front of them.

"i told you, you look ugly." taehyung whispered.

i elbowed him and started walking. everyone bowed at me, and i returned the favor.

"congrats!" my co-workers said.


"who knew that you both can actually be a couple?" she exclaimed.

no one knew, including me.

i continued to walk towards the front. they all cheered at me and i held the microphone tightly in my hands. i felt nervous standing and speaking in front of everyone but i shrugged it off by thinking, 'it's my wedding anyways'

"uhm, okay so thankyou everyone for attending this wedding. did you all had fun?" i asked.

they all yelled that they did so i gave them my sweetest smile.

"where's the groom?" someone asked.

i lit up my eyes and smiled, "our groom's taking too long at the dressing room, isn't he? let's just wait patiently!" i said and walked down the mini stage.

『 virginity + jhs 』COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now