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we were interrupted in our little drama when i heard a voice calling me, i turned my head and saw taehyung waving at me.

"seriously, thanks taehyung." i heard hoseok muttered.

i chuckled and pulled him towards taehyung. we arrived in front of taehyung but i was caught off guard when i saw the lady in front of my eyes.


i looked at her and her eyes are widened. i thought my 'mother' wouldn't show in front of me again but look what the destiny made, we met again.

"wait, mom you know each other?" taehyung asked, looking at her.

i immediately darted my gaze towards taehyung, who was looking at us. hoseok nudged me, maybe asking me what's going on.

"what? mom?" i asked taehyung.

taehyung faced us, "uh yeah, y/n and hoseok this is my mom."

i froze on my spot and didn't know if i'll believe everything that's happening right now. i looked over hoseok and he was smiling at taehyung's 'mom'.

"taehyung-ah, you know y/n?" she asked.

taehyung confusedly looked at his mom, "yes mom, she's my friend."

she hesitantly looked at me and held my hand, "do you mind going with me and taehyung?"

hoseok confusedly looked at me, as well as taehyung who was giving his mom a questionably look. i stared at her pleading eyes and nodded.

as much as i don't want to see or even talk to her, i want to clear my mind. i wondered if taehyung is really her child that would make him my half brother.

i bid a good bye to hoseok and promised to explain everything later when i come back. i hop inside their car and silence filled the three of us until we arrived at their house.

i stared at the mansion built in front of my eyes. they both lead me inside, making me sit on the fluffly and obviously expensive sofa.

she sat opposite from mine and taehyung sat beside me, still confused.

"what's going on mom? how do you know y/n?" he asked.

i stayed in silence as she talk to taehyung.

"taehyung-ah, remember me telling you that you actually had a sister?" she said and held taehyung's hand.

"i actually thought she died after she was born since that's what your aunty told me, saying i could actually forget what happened to my child."

"i'm glad you actually forgot and left. looks like you're living a luxury life." i said and was about to stand up when taehyung grabbed my wrist.

i looked at him while he rose up his eyebrows, "me and y/n are siblings?"

i tried to yank my wrist but taehyung kept his hold until his mom nodded. he looked at me, noticing how he still don't believe what's happening.

"let me go, tae." i ordered while gritting my teeth hard.

"please," he stood up and faced me, "let mom explain and meet me outside. do this for me, for yourself." he begged and left me after helping me sit on the couch again.

i sighed in disbelief when he actually got me stay in front of this lady.

i stared somewhere but heard her started speaking. i looked at her and surprised when i saw her tears flowing down her cheeks unstoppably. i didn't know what to do and just stared at her.

"i'm sorry...." she started, "i admit, i left without knowing the truth but i promise i think about my i thought so dead child every time. you don't know how much regret i felt because i blamed myself for not taking care of you that time. i just found out the truth the day i came to seoul y/n, forced your aunty to bring me to you." she stopped and looked into my eyes.

"i am mad at your aunty for hiding you from me, i understand she wanted me to live a life not worrying about the child. the moment i saw you, grown up, i felt proud, i was so happy that my child grew up well even without me."

"do you know how much suffering i experienced growing up as your child—as an abandoned child?" i said and yanked my hands back.

"i'm sorry y/n, let me—"

"i never experienced having a birth day party, i worked hard to not make my aunty kick me out from her house, she even let me experience how to actually be a maid, not a child. my childhood was nowhere to be found and now you're asking me to forgive you? how?" tears started to flow right down my cheeks without me knowing.

"if i knew you were alive, i would never leave you. after having you in nine months inside my tummy, then how would i just discard my alive child like that?" she said.

"i hope you forgive me some time y/n, i am not rushing you but i promise i'll make it up to you when you already forgave me and i'll act like an actual mom—"

"shut it," i said and stood up, turning my heels towards the exit.

as soon as i reached the exit, i felt taehyung grabbing me. he smiled at me and pulled me towards their garden. silence fell between us but he broke it by chuckling.

"i'm sorry and i am shocked too." he said.

"everything is just too soon, not even giving me a sign this would happen." i said while gazing towards the bloomed flowers around us.

"i hope you recover soon but i hope it's still okay between us." he bit his lip.

i slapped his back play fully, "of course, why would this affect us?"

"so....." he suddenly faced me, lending his hands suddenly.

i confusedly look at him until he spoke and smiled at me cutely.

"bro and sis?" he asked while rubbing the back of his neck.

i chuckled and accepted his hands, "bro and sis."

we both walked while he made jokes again. maybe this is why i'm comfortable with taehyung whenever he's around, maybe this is why he's always there when it's my down fall. the connection in our blood is no joke.

"i was glad i didn't actually fell in love with you but just infatuated." he laughed.

i pushed him and made a face.

"ew, bro!"


i'm sorry too sleepy to make this chap interesting & ending this at '40' & yes it's my soul writing right now because i'm still now over the mv and add the performances at the concert.

istg, i love bts so much and i love you guys and thank u as always for actually reading this shit??? LMAO LUV U GUYS💜

[ check out truth or die because i updated that shit too and i love that book bc i like the plot lmao ]

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