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no matter how much i think about it, i don't know why am i involve in his father's issue. he can just say that he's still a virgin right? i mean his dick's hole stays the same and i don't even understand myself agreeing being his fake girlfriend.

isn't that too cliché? does he read fanfics too much? fake girlfriend? hah, does he think i'm going to fall in love with him in the end? i'm just gonna do whatever he want until i've paid my debt.

inshort, he's gonna use me while i'm using him too. fair enough.

i got up from bed and yawned. yeah, i was in my bed thinking about things while staring at the ceiling. that's what i do when sundays, my typical sunday morning.

while i was making my coffee, a sudden knock was heard outside my apartment's door.

i glanced at the clock, 10 am. who the heck is going to come here this early?

i lazily walked to the door while i fixed my posture, don't tell me this is the landlord? i irritatedly opened the door,

"i'm going to pay next mon—"

i got cut off by jimin's figure standing infront of me. he's wearing his casual yellow sweat shirt with his black pants and paired black shoes.

 he's wearing his casual yellow sweat shirt with his black pants and paired black shoes

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"why are you here?" i yawned while stretching my arms infront of his descent figure.

"don't tell me you just woke up?" he asked while crossing his arms.

"no, i'm getting ready for bedtime." i sarcastically said.

he pushed me lightly to open my door freely as he step inside my apartment. this is his first time coming here though, he never wanted to come here coz he thinks it stinks like me. hah.

he casually sat on the sofa and grabbed the remote. he opened the tv and put his feet on top of my table like he owns my apartment.

"why the hell are you here? don't you have tv in your home?" i scoffed while crossing my arms.

"i'm just bored, am i not allowed here?" he looked at me.

"no, no one is allowed he—"

"no one? but you probably had sex with the ceo's son here. maybe on this sofa too." he scoffed and stood up with disgust on his face.

if y'all are wondering, jimin ain't gay. he's just smooth and flirty as fuck that he doesn't even had a girlfriend atleast once. me and jimin met in the interview for the company and then our friendsh—do i even call this friendship.

"w-we didn't do it here. just get lost, you useless fuck." i walked over my kitchen counter to drink my coffee.

aish, it's cold now. if only i didn't open the door for jimin and let him get tired outside calling for me. sighs.

while i was still enjoying my coffee, jimin suddenly popped out of the kitchen and leaned over the counter.

"then where?" he intrigued.

"why do you even care?" i scoffed once i finished my coffee and threw it over the sink.

"do i need to give a reason?" he sneered.

"duh." i mocked at him.

he then walked over me, "then should i tell you?" he deepened his voice and told me.

what is he up to? is he high?

"get lost park jimin or i'll stab you." i defensed and grab a knife.

he then walked backwards and chuckled. suddenly, he fixed his gaze on me while he smirked. the fuck?

"because....." he then bit his lip, "i'm jealous."

i gulped.

"w-what the fuck are you saying? get out of my hou—"

".....of you being a personal assistant, stupid." he scoffed then walked away.

i followed him as i dropped the knife.

"did you think i'm gonna say i'm jealous because i like you?" he bursted out laughing as he sat his fat ass.

"stop talking shit." i scoffed and walked over the remote.

i was about to grab the remote when jimin snatched it, "what the fuck? that's my remote!"

"it's mine too now, plus i'm watching my favorite show so please get lost." he then eyed me while chuckling.

"since when it was yours? get lost out of my apartment! ugh, give me that!" i tried to grab but he really refused to give it.

"go shower, you stink!" he then covered his nose as if i'm a living trashcan standing infront of him.

"no way, my favorite noon drama is playing soon." i rolled my eyes.

"whatever, go get your own remote." he scoffed and took of his shoes.

i took the chance to grab the remote and attack it when i stumbled on his shoes. i fell out of balance and accidentally pushed jimin on his chest that made him laid on the sofa. automatically, i fell on his chest and hovered over him.

my nose were touching his lips. i almost gasp since his lips is so fluffy like a cotton and also warm through my nose. we both didn't know what to do and froze still.

i was about to move a muscle when,

"are you guys fucking?"

i turned my head towards the voice and saw jung hoseok standing there.


i admit, this chapter is such a filler. i couldn't think of anything and came up like this. maybe i can edit this chapter when i get in the mood,,,? i'm really sorry i'm disappointing y'all but still thankyou for reading! i'll try to write one more chapter tonight tho it's 2 am here.

i'm not into voting but can you guys vote this story? it only takes 1 second :<


lmao sorry bye

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