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a frown was displayed on my face quickly when they sat beside our table. hoseok eyed me while i ignored his presence as if i don't know him neither he's my boss.

"wait—isn't she your personal assistant?" i heard yeonwa asked as soon as they sat down.

"yeah." hoseok said while still eyeing me, does he have something to say?

"aren't she suppose to greet her boss?" she scoffed.

i ignored them and pretended i was reading the menu when i know we already ordered. i noticed taehyung approaching our table so i sighed in relieved.

"hey y/n, sorry that took so long. why are you reading the menu up side down—oh hey hoseok!" he noticed them beside our table so he gave them a nice grin, "hey, yeon......hee?" taehyung asked confused.

"it's yeonwa." she smiled.

taehyung sat and talked with hoseok. i fidgeted my fingers since i noticed yeonwa was keep on glaring at me like i'm some criminal who snuck out from jail. why the heck is she looking at me like that? does she want me to fork her eyeballs?

i rolled my eyes until our food arrived as well as theirs. we started eating while the three of them were keep on laughing. i don't really know what they are talking about since i was too distracted to even listen. taehyung seems to noticed that i was too quite and looked at me worriedly.

"are you okay? you're quiet." he asked then passed me a glass of water.

i thanked him, "yeah, i just need to go to the restroom." i excused my self from everyone and went to the restroom.

once i entered, i faced my self in the mirror and frowned. i don't even know why i hate to see hoseok and yeonwa, they make me pissed and frustrated. i let out a sigh and then washed my hands.

i dry my hands and was about to leave the restroom when she entered, eyeing me from head to toe with a cocky look.

"hey, miss p.a." she waved.

i waved back and tried to grab the door when she stopped me. when will she stop stopping me from opening the doors? for goodness sake, ugh.

"i noticed you seem to be rude to your BOSS. which is my bestfriend, hoseok." she scoffed.

"rude? i don't remember being rude to him." i tighten my hold on my purse as my blood started heating up.

"you don't greet him or bow at him like a real assistant working under him. you seem to ignore him too. perhaps, do you like him?" she rose her eyebrows.

is being rude to someone means you like him? is not bowing or greeting someone means you like him? seriously? how does her mind work to think about these things?

"i'm sorry? no, so will you excuse me—"

"wow, why did you become his personal assistant when you're this rude? i should be in your place since i'm his friend." she scoffed.

oh so she was jealous because of my position? she should've said it earlier, not being salty like this.

"sorry for that but just accept the fact that he picked me for that position." i bowed a little when she suddenly grasped on my arms.

"quit being rude hoe, you're just the personal assistant. to be honest, i didn't like you from the first time i saw you." she scoffed.

same girl, same.

"act professional. your parents must've ashamed of having a greedy child like you. you just became an assistant, not a billionaire. learn how to respect your boss and don't act as if—"

i slammed my palms on my purse as soon as she mentioned my parents, "what do you want? do you want me bow and kneel infront of him just because he's my boss? i just didn't greet him and you keep on nagging at me?" i bursted out that made her eyeballs roll.

oh god you don't know how much i wish to fish that eyeballs out.

"see? your attitude is finally showing. is that how your parents raised you? or maybe you became like this because your parents gave up raising you because you're like this? i'm gonna tell hoseok to fire you since you're useless after all. you don't respect—" i cut her off by grabbing her by her wrist.

she tried to yank it back and yelled until people looked at us weirdly but i didn't care. how can she talk about respect when she didn't even know how to have one? how dare she mention my parents as if she knew me?

when we reached the tables infront of hoseok, he was talking to taehyung. they both looked at us as i threw her wrist harshly and saw hoseok's mouth wide open.

taehyung was about to ask me what's going on when i bowed 369 degrees infront of hoseok, "y/n? what are you doing—"

"hello boss! nice to see you here! i respect you so much that i can bow more degrees for you, i hope you had a nice meal!" i bowed five times while smiling widely and saw three of them left in shock.

i faced yeonwa while crossing my arms, "are you satisfied?"

she scoffed and was about to argue back when i shush her, "please, shut up for me." i twitched my lips.

hoseok and taehyung stood up but i immediately held my purse, "i gotta go, taehyung. thanks for today, i had a nice meal." i walked quickly out from the restaurant as i heard taehyung catching up with me but failed.

i went out of the mall quickly. i noticed the sky darkening again as i sat on the nearest bus stop and leaned my head while sighing.

maybe she's right—everyone's right. i became like this because of my parents. maybe that's why kids in my school never liked me because they never see my parents picking me up, unlike theirs.

sometimes i wonder how i would grow up with my parents. sometimes i wonder how to feel warm hugs, kisses and warmth from someone who really cares about you. i know my aunt raised me but i didn't feel like i was welcomed at all.

my aunt always slap me the truth that they will not come back, that they will not want me back. she said i was the reason why their dreams was ruined when they had me accidentally so they left me like i was some puppy. that's why i'm trying my best to make them proud atleast, even if they don't even know i still exist.

mom, dad, why did you left me without seeing your face at least once? or maybe atleast asked how am i doing? it's been 21 years and i still don't know why you don't look for me.

i sobbed. i really hate it when someone mention my parents because this is what happens, i will cry like a fucking baby. i wiped my tears immediately and stood up but stopped when he stood infront of me panting.

"are you okay?" hoseok asked as he approached me.

i ignored him and walked away but he suddenly grabbed my arms until i felt his arms wrapped around my body. i quickly swatted away but he held me tighter and made me buried my face on his chest, he smells nice.

he comfortably wrapped his arms around my waist while i stood still.

"please be okay." he whispered that sent shivers down my spine.

i felt his hug quickly became warm, it feels safe and comfortable inside his embrace.

so this is how it feels like.


as i said, i wanted to publish my jimin book because i want to add many shits and twists inside that book so this is the description:

my jimin's book description: when he was her professor and sister's husband. [r15 again ig???]

idk if the description is interesting but i promise the story will be. lmao jk have a good night everyone, love y'all💜

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