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"stop clinging onto me hoseok! go work!" i yelled when i felt his arms hugging me from the back.

ever since earlier, hoseok can't keep his hands off of me and it's distracting me. no matter how much i want his touch, we're still at work. he was being too clingy and whining about how much he love hugging me.

"just let me hug you y/nnnnn," he whined and put his chin on my shoulders.

i banged the papers on the xerox machine and sighed.

"hoseok, please get your hands off of me while i'm still being nice." i warned.

i just can't take the clinginess he's been giving me ever since i came inside the office. earlier, as soon as i opened the door, he showered me with kisses and hugged me for like five minutes. i let him because i thought it was cute.

"just tell me if you don't like me." he said and quickly let go of me.

he walked away with a frown and walked over his table. he grabbed a random paper and faked read it while having his feet up on his table.

i scoffed at how childish he is.

i rolled my eyes and continued with my work. once i was done with the xerox, i went over my table to compile the files.

i was busy compiling the papers when i heard him groaned loudly.

i glared at him and saw him flipping through the papers without reading it.

"ahhh, what's the point of saying you like me if you don't like my cuddles. should i just die?" he said dramatically.

i ignored him by internally choking him. i swear to god, when will he stop whining like a kid?

"ahhhh, maybe i should just jump off this building, right ahhh!" he whined again and pouted.

i heaved a deep breath and glared at him, "can you please stop being so loud?"

"ahhh, maybe i should just die. no one wants my cuddles." he ignored me and suddenly opened the cabinet beside him.

i rolled my eyes but it widened when i saw him pull out a cutter.

"i should just die..." he said dramatically and opened the cutter.

he was about to place it on his wrist when i stomp my hands on the table that made him flinched. i walked over his table with a piss off face and grabbed the cutter. i threw the cutter somewhere and looked at hoseok.

his lips were daring to tug upwards but he was trying his best not to smile.

"why did you do that? i should just die—"

he was cut off when i hugged him as tightly as i can. i tightened my hug on his neck while i grit my teeth.

"y-y/n...i c-can't breathe..." he said and i let go then crossed my arms.

"happy? i already hugged you so can you please shut up and work?" i scoffed.

"that was a hug? i thought you we're choking me...." he muttered.

"what's that?" i rose my one eyebrow up.

"nothing, thank you for the hug. you can go now." he smiled.

i tried my best not to smile because of his cuteness, add the dimples on his smile. i turned my back and smiled like a psycho.

if hoseok wasn't cute, i would've cut his wrist myself.

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