+ special chapter

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warning: mature content ahead :)

"mommy mommy sunshine sunshine!"

"give me five minutes, hojinnie." i groaned while trying to take off my three year old son from my lap.

i heard him stopped for a minute but later on, the door slammed open. i felt the bed sink at the other side.

"daddy mommy wake up!" i heard hojin whined.

"really? mommy sure is a deep sleeper, huh?" i heard my husband's voice so i opened my eyes to see him lifting up our child.

"leave me alone, it's sunday." i groaned and closed my eyes again because he knew how tired i was yesterday.

"but our hojinnie wants his mommy awake, doesn't he?" i heard our son giggle and i felt the corner of my lips started tugging up.

"daddy wakey mommy!" 

i facepalmed myself about how energetic our son is, making me wake up every morning because he just wanted me to be awake. 

and you all know how much i hate being awaken up.

but it's different for my son, i can't just stab him because he wake me up. plus, he's too adorable to resist, i'm just tired as hell today.

"alright, but i want you to go to your room and brush your teeth then when you come back, mommy will be awake." i heard hoseok said and little foot steps towards the door.

i heard the door locked and i sighed. i can finally sleep now that hojin would not be here to wake me up.

i snuggle my head on the fluffy pillow, feeling the sleep trying to take over me again. i was so ready to dream again but not until i felt arms wrapping around my waist.

"i'm still sleepy, hoseok." i said when i felt him kissing my shoulders.

"will this wake you up?" i heard him whispered then i felt his tongue ran over my earlobe.

i couldn't help but to moan when he started licking the back of my ears down to my neck, his hands wandering around my thighs, rubbing them up and down. i gasped when he suddenly inserted his hands inside my shorts, making it's way up to my panties.

"hoseok........hojin would come any mi......nute!" i gasped when he sucked the sweet spot on my neck and setting my panties aside then inserting a finger at the same time.

"does this feel good? are you awake now? mmm?" he whispered.

i grabbed his hands when he started inserting two fingers, i couldn't help but to arched my back in pleasure. i wanted to moan out loud so bad, i really do but i can't let my son hear me.

"stop....i don't want our son to hear..." i moaned.

hoseok just smirked against my neck and started licking the spot he sucked on earlier. his fingers started to move faster and i couldn't help but to release a loud moan, making me put my hands over my mouth.

"i told taehyung to come over and bring hojin to the park." hoseok smiled while still keeping his pace with his fingers.

"why did you do that....?" i asked, coming out almost a whimper.

"to make my wife feel good." he chuckled and started inserting one more finger.

i arched my back and refrained my moans but hoseok held the palm that was supposed to cover my mouth.

"moan out loud baby, we got the house all over our selves." he smirked and went faster.

i did what he say and moaned out loud when i reached my climax. he pulled out his fingers and licked it while sucking the tips.

"you still taste so fucking good." he groaned.

i smiled and pulled his face to kiss me. his tongue asked for the entrance of my mouth and i gave what it wanted. his tongue felt so good inside my mouth as it explored the corners.

his hands travelled my thighs, slowly pulling down my shorts along with my panties. he removed his shirt, as well as his boxers. his member sprung out and i licked my lips.

it's been a while since we last did it and i couldn't help but to crave even more when i saw his member.

he spread my legs and was so ready to enter me but i rotate our bodies, for me to be on top. hoseok seemed surprise by my actions but smirked later on when he knew what i was going to do.

i smiled and started running up my hands down his chest, making him groan and desperate.

as i wanted to please my husband really bad.

i was about to insert his but a loud thud outside the door surprised the both of us.

"mommy! daddy! come! daddy! mommy! park! play!"

hoseok and i automatically dressed up as quickly as possible. we both looked at each other and laughed.

we opened the door to be welcomed by our hope.

i looked over at hoseok who was smiling at me, 

"how many times did this happen?"

we both laughed.


0% edited lmaooooo but i will edit if i have time but still thankyou guys for 10k reads! it means a lot to me and i hope you guys support me until the end :))) love y'all and goodnight!💜

edit: it's edited already and wtf this already have 11k??? thankyou so much guys!


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