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everything that happened today is so boring, i woke up, i took a bath and rushed to my work office. as usual, i took the bus and even bumped into stinky people. a girl even stolen the seat i was about to take and even glared at me. i let her be, i'm not in the mood to shove my purse in her ass.

i arrived in my work office and saw jimin waiting for me at the entrance of our building. i furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. once i reached him, he gave me a little smile.

"why are you here? were you waiting for me?" i chuckled.

"you wish," he mocked "do you know that hoseok is going back to gwa—"

"i know, let's go." i cut him off. i don't even wanna talk about him, i just don't want anything right now, i just—just want peace.

we entered the building and i was stopped by the guards. i looked at them while jimin approched me, "yes?"

"the ceo wants to see you, go to his office right away." the guard ordered.

i looked at jimin and he also looked so confused but i said he should go first, he just gave me a nod while i started to walk towards the ceo's office. once i reached the door, i softly knocked. i slowly opened it and saw jung hoseok sitting there with his head low. i thought he already left for gwangju?

"oh miss y/n, have a seat." he ordered.

i nodded and quickly sat on the opposite chair, making me face jung hoseok. i felt so relieved that he kept his head low or it'll be awkward as fuck. y'all know how much i hate awkward tension the most.

"did you two perhaps broke up?" the ceo straight forwardly asked.

i nibbled on my lips as i looked at hoseok. he pursed his lips this time but still keeping his head low. i looked at the ceo and got scared a little, he look so scary when he's so serious.

"already? you youngsters are unbelievable. you disappoint me so much hoseok." his father sighed.

i glanced at hoseok and he looked really uncomfortable yet frustrated. he hates disappointing his father the most, but why am i involved here?

"i'm sorry, dad." he gulped.

"i already prepared the documents for changing miss y/n's position, i went through a lot of process and struggle. you begged this to me everyday, hoseok. but now that's everything is ready, you're telling me that the relation ship didn't work out?"

really? he begged for that? just to fool me with his stupid deal? he's unbelievable.

"you can still place her to that position, dad. i'm going to gwangju." finally, he lifted his head up.

"giving that important position into someone who didn't go through hard interview? i told you, i'll only give that to someone you are with. pardon me miss y/n, but i don't think you suit this position."

my heart quickly shattered by the ceo's word. i know i'm not capable of being a personal assistant but i try my best at everything. isn't that harsh to lowkey say i'm not good enough? i cause a lot of trouble in office, sometimes late but i always overtime just to finish the work i needed to. maybe i'm not skilled as any other co-workers and maybe it wasn't fair to use hoseok for me to have an actual position.

"dad, y/n doesn't need to be involve in this. i begged because i thought she deserve it, not because she was my girlfriend. please give her the positio--"

"it's okay sir, i'm not capable enough." i faced hoseok who was looking at me.

"atleast you know your level. i reviewed your resume but i was not impressed to be honest, i'm sorry for the choice of my words but that's the truth--"

"dad!" hoseok yelled.

"don't you dare yell at me, jung hoseok." he glared, "miss y/n, you're dismissed. get back to your usual work." he ordered.

i stood up and bowed lightly. i walked towards the door but i heard something that stopped me from walking,

"what can i do to give her the position?" i heard hoseok.

"nothing, unless you two get back together. that's the only way, she'll be your personal assistant while you agree to be the president."

i still didn't turn around but kept still, staring at the door. my lungs were too dry that made me unable to speak.

"i told you dad, i'm going to work in our company in gwangju--"

"then take her with you." the ceo exclaimed, "bring her to gwangju."

i heard silence for a second then heard a loud sighed, "agree. just give her a position once she come back here."

i froze but felt hoseok grabbed me towards the door and went out. i aggressively yanked back my arm but he faced me, i gulped when i saw he looked so frustrated. he then stepped closer until i reached the wall, he placed his hand on both side.

"stay away, i don't agree in your decision." i protested.

"so you're just going to stay on that level?"

is he discriminating my skill?

"shut up, let me go. i'm disagreeing and i'm telling your dad this is all fake. that we were fake." i scoffed and tried to escape but he held me on my waist that made me gasped.

"once you disagree, my dad would be very mad and kick you out of the company. remember this was the last company who accepted you out of multiple companies you tried to? are you going to find a company that'll accept someone like you?"

i scoffed but got my ego crashed. he's right, i went through so many struggles just to find a company that'll accept me. unluckily, out of many companies i was interviewed at, no one wanted to get me. except for my last hope, the jung company. they accepted me and they said they saw a potential in me. i can't lose this job, i might not find a job and just be a beggar lady with many cats.

"are you blackmailing me?" i mocked and crossed my arms.

he leaned in and i stayed away as much as possible but i remembered a wall was behind me. i felt his hot breath on my cheeks,

"i'm sorry," he sighed and i kind of pity him by the way of his tone,

".....but i think you'll be stuck with me in gwangju y/n. you got no other choice but to come with me." he smirked.

i quickly regret having pity on him five seconds ago. yes, i already forgave him for everything he did last time but that doesn't mean he could go back on being a jerk with me.

"it's either lose your job or be with me." he winked and left me there hanging.


we got no electricity yesterday so i was bored af lmao they cut a tree then affected the wires ugh it was so hot i was all sweaty the whole night.

btw thankyou guys for the support and love, i hope you won't get tired reading this story because it has just started. i hope y'all stay with me till the end :(((

btw thankyou guys, i love you so much! goodnight!💜 (it's 1 am and i have early class to tf)

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