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"you ready?" hoseok asked as he greet me outside my door.

i nodded and grabbed my bag. the ceo wanted us to go to gwangju today and let me leave early from the company. i excused myself to jimin saying i'm going to my province suddenly since it's an emergency. i lied because i don't want him to know that i'll be with hoseok.

"let's go." he said then snatched my bag from me and placed it on his compartment.

i went to the passenger's seat and set myself comfortable. hoseok then went in and started the engine.

"it would take us 3 hours to arrive there, rest for a while." he then started driving.

"whatever." i closed my eyes because i don't want to see hoseok's face but heard hoseok chuckled.

i grabbed my earphones and shove into my ear. i don't even wanna hear him either. i thought i was never gonna see him again but what the heck is happening right now? am i really going with him? ugh

i felt my eyes getting heavy so i let my self sleep.


"y/n, we're here!" hoseok yelled in my ears after i felt my earphone being taken out.

i opened my eyes irritatedly, "your voice is so loud! ugh!" i yelled back then opened the door with a frown.

i really really hate it when someone interrupts my sleep and jung hoseok did it again. i stomped my feet outside and waited for him.

"geez, calm down. your face looks like you're going to stab me anytime." he chuckled.

"i was about to but my angel side stopped me." i scoffed.

"do you even have that side?" he muttered but i accidentally heard.


"let's go!" he grabbed me by my wrist and pulled me towards a building which i assume their company here in gwangju.

we went in after the guards let us and even gave a big bow to hoseok. he grabbed me until we faced a door similar to the ceo's door back in seoul company. hoseok opened it as i saw a aged woman lit her eyes up to hoseok until it widened.

"hoseok!" she stood up and spread her arms as hoseok run to her. "my sunshineeeeee," she whined as they hugged.

"mom, i missed you so much!" he exclaimed.

so his mother manages their company in gwangju while his father is in seoul?

i stood there until she noticed my presence. i bowed and smiled at her.

"who are you, dear?" she asked.

"hoseok's girlfr—" i answered but cut off by him.

"'my personal assistant!" he chuckled while he ignored my eye contact.

"ohhh, come sit." i nodded and sat in the chair opposite as hoseok.

i thought he wanted me to pretend again? or not? i mean he didn't say i would pretend here in gwangju. perhaps only to his father again?

『 virginity + jhs 』COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now