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"why are you here?" he asked as he arched his eyebrows.

"i'm with hoseok," i smiled a little and slowly yanked my wrist back.

"what? are you both okay now? i mean about what happened at the party?"

"this is just a business, don't worry." i shrugged and asked him to sit with me if he wasn't busy.

"sure." he smiled and then i led him over my table.

once we reached the seat, i saw hoseok looked at me and taehyung, "taehyung?"

"oh, hi hoseok!" taehyung waved and eyed yeonhwe or whatever her name is, "who is she?" taehyung asked nicely.

hoseok stood up, "oh, this is yeonwa, my friend. yeonwa, this is taehyung, my dude."

taehyung shook hands with her as i saw her batted her eyelashes to him. why do i feel like she's interested in taehyung? i mean i don't care but she annoys me and i don't know why. she just annoys me, that's it.

"hi! nice to meet you," she tucked her hair behind her ear as she giggled.

really? what the fuck?

everyone sat back down as taehyung looked at me, "i thought you're with hoseok? why are you on another table? aren't you his fake girl—i mean—ugh." he bit his lip nervously.

so he knows? i wonder who told him, "who told you?" i asked bluntly.

"i promise i won't tell anyone," he fake zipped his mouth shut, "and the night when you were dragged by hoseok, i forced jimin to explain. i'm sorry y/n." he lowered his head.

what a cutie.

"it's okay," i chuckled.

"i promise to keep my mouth shut forever." he whispered as he shush his own mouth.

"i'm just his personal assistant here in gwangju, so we don't have to pretend here." i assured him.

"really? that's great!" he said excitedly.

what's great about that? being hoseok's personal assistant means i'm going to stick around him everywhere. i don't even wanna see his face anymore, ugh.

"why are you here by the way?" i finally asked.

"same as you, business too." he smiled.

me and taehyung tried to get to know each other since we had a bad impression at the party. taehyung's really descent unlike his attitude back then, his level of duality is no joke. he joked around that made me laugh multiple times.

but one thing i noticed while i was laughing, i saw hoseok glaring at me in the corner of my eyes. i shrugged it off and enjoyed my time with taehyung.

after time quickly passed, we all decided to leave the cafe. we walked out and i saw it's night time. our surroundings became dark as the stars started to fill the sky.

"i gotta get going though, my company needs me." taehyung bowed at yeonhwe or yeonwas.

"be safe bro, wanna hang out tomorrow?" hoseok pat taehyung's back.

"yeah sure," he nodded and put his gaze on me, "since i already got your number, i'll just text you. is that okay?"

i nodded and smiled, "sure, see you tomorrow."

taehyung bid us a goodbye and walked over to his car. i watched as his car faded from my sight. i turned my body to see them but i choke on mother fucking air. who wouldn't? i just saw yeonwa poking hoseok's dimple as they both giggled.

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