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* jk i won't make it private, read until to end to find out why. [i was supposedly going to publish this last night but my data won't allow lmao smh]

WARNING: mature content.


"seriously? in this crampy janitor room? i didn't know you're this cheap hoseok." i teased.

he groaned, "there's no choice y/n, i ripped your clothes off."

"and who's at fault?" i scoffed.

"okay okay! i was too aggressive, i admit." he backed away.

i chuckled, "let's stop right here and work—"

i stopped when i felt a coat laid on top of my body. he quickly buttoned it and smirked at me.

"once things get started, i don't stop y/n." he licked his lips and pulled me out of the room.

i was caught off guard and gasped when hoseok pushed me inside the elevator. before even the elevator close, i saw yeonwa looking at us.

"h-hobi!" she yelled and ran towards the door.

"see you later yeonwa!" he waved as the door closed.

i yanked my arms back and looked at him, "you'll see her later?" i crossed my arms.

we were the only one who was at the elevator and we still have a long way to go down on the first floor.

"yeah." he smiled and pulled me by my waist.


"we have a date later."

as soon as he let those words slip on his tongue, i pushed him until his arms were no longer wrapped on my waist. i glared at him and my mouth shaped 'o' when i saw him laughed.

he approached me again and hugged me on my waist softly then slowly moved side by side.

it was too cheesy, i know. but i couldn't refuse jung hoseok. well, can you?

we lowkey slow danced inside the elevator until he leaned down and pecked the tip of my nose.

my face heated out then thought about not removing my black heads last night and my nose was too oily.

"stop being jealous, i was just kidding." he cupped my cheeks.

"i told you i wasn't jealous!" i slapped his chest.

"also, stop denying." he laughed, "when i see jealousy in you, it's just making you look hot."

he licked his lips and was about to kiss me when the elevator ding. he groaned at me before pulling me out. i still have no idea where we are going but just let him drag me anywhere.

he stopped a cab and slowly let me in first.

i questionably looked at him, "aren't we gonna use your car?"

he ignored me and talked with the driver for a minute then faced me with a smirk.

that stupid smirk, i swear to god.

"i can't do this if i'm driving," he puts on a smug smile.

"do what?"

he didn't answer me and smashed his lips over mine. i gasped at the sudden contact but put my hands on his neck the next minute. he snaked his arms around my waist and slowly lead me down the seat, while he was hovering over me. i moved uncomfortably and glanced over the driver who was just giving us the look.

『 virginity + jhs 』COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now