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"but are they looking for me?" i looked at my auntie with my eyes asking for hope, "do they want me back?"

my auntie didn't answer but stood up instead, "i just came to say that, i thought maybe you should atleast know." she grabbed her purse, "i'll get going."

and then she walked towards the door and left me. that's it? what would i do with that lack of information?

they came back but they don't want me back. what's the point? i guess i shouldn't feel hope anymore. they literally abandoned me of course, they don't want me back.

i laid my back on the sofa and sighed. i feel so down, and i feel like giving up in life. i can't see the purpose of my life, neither the purpose of why am i still living. should i just die?

my eyes caught a glimpse of my posters. posters of my favorite kpop boygroup. a smile creeped out on my face as i saw them beautifully looking at the camera, they're the only one who can make me happy. they don't know how many times they helped me to over come this loneliness hovering over my soul. they make me happy and feel comfortable.

no, i won't die. not until i marry one of them, i will never die.

i stood up to wash myself up but a knock was heard outside my door. i looked at the clock and it's almost 9 pm. who would it be?

i walked towards the door with nervous steps. i don't know why i felt nervous but i opened the door anyways.

"hi," taheyung waved.

"why are you here?" i tilted my head.

he scratched the back of his neck and jimin suddenly popped out behind him. i widened my eyes.

"why are you two here?" i crossed my arms while looking at the both of them.

"are we not allowed to come here?" jimin chuckled.

"no, it's not like that—"

"it's taehyung's birthday and he wanted to invite you to club. he's celebrating his party there with his friends." jimin said.

i looked at taehyung who was still scratching the back of his neck.

"it's your birthday? why didn't you tell me?" i internally panicked as i don't even have an idea or gifts for him.

taehyung became such a big help for me especially when we were in gwangju. if taehyung wasn't there i would've became insane being around jung hoseok. taehyung was the one who brought me home at the time i needed him to. but now, i don't even have a gift nor knows his birthday.

"is that important?" he laughed.

"of course! you were the one who helped me in gwangju after all." i said but widened my eyes when i realized jimin was there.

"gwangju? you two went to gwangju?" jimin intrigued.

taehyung looked at me, "yes—"

"you know i was in a family trip and cousins decided to go to gwangju then i met taehyung there." i chuckled awkwardly.

taehyung looked at me weirdly and i gave him my 'just go with the flow' look.

"right..." tahyung laughed.

jimin gave me a doubtful look while crossing his arms. ugh, why is he so curious for? he shouldn't know i was with jung hoseok that time. i rolled my eyes and smiled at taehyung.

"since it's your birthday, i'm going." i warmly smiled.

"jimin said you hate parties, it's okay if you don't—"

『 virginity + jhs 』COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now