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i was awoken up by the vibration of my phone under my pillow. i groaned and slide my finger not looking up who called again, i don't care anymore i'm still so sleepy.

"hmm?" i hummed as my eyes were still closed.

"y/n? you're still sleeping? it's freaking 2pm already." i heard hoseok's voice nagged at me.

how dare he nag at me?

"why do you care? i'm hanging up." i said and clicked the red button.

i buried my face on my pillow once again but my phone buzzed one more time. i irritatedly sat up and saw the caller, that hoseok again. ugh what does he want? i pressed the button and shoved it on my ear with my furrowed eyebrows.

"what do you want?!" i rubbed my eyes irritatedly.

"a-ah i'm sorry for waking you up. go grab some coffee—"

"just get to the point!" i yelled as he gasped at the other line.

was that to harsh? ugh whatever y'all won't understand the feeling of being forced to wake up or talk after a good sleep.

"t-the thing is, my friend invited me."

"so what? do you need my permission? jung hoseok i'm just a fake girlfriend whenever you need, not a full time—"

"us. he invited US."

"what? why me? what kind of occasion?" i sighed.

"it's a party. he wanted me to bring my girlfriend, you know everybody knows now. the party starts at 9 pm tonight." he explained.

i hated shit ass parties or clubs ever since i've met jung hoseok. i don't wanna be involve into things like this again, i'm traumatized now.

"no, i'm not going. i hate parties, i hate people and i hate you. so i won't go with you." i said as i closed my eyes.

shit i lost my temper again. i really hate it when someone interrupts my sleep especially on my rest day, it usually get on my nerves.

"you just said you'll come whenever i need you? do u happen changed your mind?" he scoffed, "okay then, i guess you weren't sincere and just pity me yesterday. i won't contact you anymore, bye."

"pick me up at 8:50." i gritted my teeth.

"okay, that's cool. see ya later! dress nicely!" he sounded so excited before hanging up.

why is he so excited for? ugh seriously, my guilt won't leave me alone.

i stood up and make my own coffee. i quickly washed up and watched tv to let the time pass quickly. i have no schedule today anyways except for the 'party'.

i was laughing my ass out because of knowing bros but my stupid phone buzzed as i quickly picked it up.

virgin hoesary:

are you getting ready? ;)))

i crumpled my face, it's still early. why is he so excited?! my mood suddenly changed into irritatedly one again as soon as he texted me. he's not my mood booster, istg.

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