Titan Breech

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Emma's pov 

" Hey were home! " My brother Eren opened the door of the house and said. " HI Eren! Hi Mikasa!" I yelled back , I waved at them as I handed mom some food. " Welcome back kids! " Mom said. We sat at the table eating while Eren was talking to dad about one of his jobs. " Eren's thinking about joining the scouts. " Mikasa muttered quite loudly. I made a confused face as both mom and dad looked at him looking quite angry. " Get that ridiculous thought out of your head this instant young man! " Mom yelled , I jumped back from my seat almost knocking over the chair. We said bye to dad while he walked out the door for his next job , mom and Eren were fighting on the doorstep before Eren ran off. " He's such a reckless kid. " Mom walked back inside and closed the door behind her. " Say Emma can you get me a loaf of bread. " Mom handed me some money and sent me off. I strolled to the store smiling at the outside. I smiled at a dog that ran past me and waved at a guy who worked at another place. I walked to the store and quickly looked for a loaf of bread. " Kid you gotta get out of here! " A man yelled , I looked at the guy confused. " The titans breached the wall! "A woman yelled , I widened my eyes and ran outside to find ruble everywhere and smoke coming from buildings. " Momma! " I ran straight home without stopping , where's Eren and Mikasa? " Mom! " I turned the corner to find Eren and Mikasa trying to lift a piece of debris, I quickly joined their side trying to lift the debris of mom. "Eren just take Emma and Mikasa and run now! " I let tears run down my eyes as I continued pulling. " I'm not leaving you here! " I cried. " Hanes! Take the children and get out of here! "

Hanes ran towards the titan holding his sword in his hand before he froze looking up at the titan. " Come on! " I widened my eyes , in one swift second me , Eren and Mikasa were carried by Hanes who was running away from Mom. " NO! " I struggled in his arms watching the titan pick up mom , I watched in horror as the titan ripped mom apart piece by piece. I slumped in Hanes grip and cried my heart away. Hanes continued running as he slowly was losing his breath. 
" You son of a bitch! "  Eren hit Hanes in the back of his head , Eren continued hitting him before Hanes grabbed his arm and threw him over his head on the floor. I didn't care at this moment , I just continued slumped in Hanes arm. Eren and Hanes continued bickering , he finally set me down. I sat next to Mikasa with all the sadness flowing out of me. " Your mother died because I'm a damn coward! " Hanes yelled , tears ran down his eyes too. Later on we ended up at the boats to get away , all three of us were quiet and dull while Hanes managed to get us on the boat. We found spots and sat there in silence , I lay'd my head on Eren's shoulder while I heard him quietly whimpering next to me.


" Hey guys! " Armin came running up to us with loafs of bread to eat. A guy with a Garrison jacket gave us a dirty look and made a tch sound before walking away. " The poor mans probably hungry. " I kinda felt sad for the man , they were already dealing with a shortage before I couldn't dream of what their dealing with now. Before I could say anything Eren walked up to the man and kicked him in the leg due to him talking crap." You picked the wrong man asshole." He punched Eren in the face then the other man kicked him to the ground , sudden anger erupted in me as I ran up to the man and punched him hard right back. He stumbled back and held his face. " You little brat! " 

" Their sorry! " Armin jumped in before they could do anymore damage. After Armin's apology the man walked away.

Timeskip Lattttttter on

" The 104th cadet corp boot camp starts now! " All of us stood in a straight line while the man kept shouting. He went around yelling in peoples faces , he was acting quite intimidating. I stood next to Eren who stood normally. It was kinda awkward yelling back at the man where he was embarrassing almost everyone. I was almost next after Eren who he was about finished with. "What do they call you maggot! " My palms started sweating while he continued staring into my soul. " Sir Emma Yeager from the Shiganshina district , I am here to help get rid of the titans sir! " I let out a nervous breath , the butterfly's in my stomach went away. " Your related to this maggot!" He pointed to Eren while Eren gave him a glare. " Yes sir! "  He gave me a look before walking away. After that ended the sun was about to go down , Potato girl was still running due to that guys orders. Me being me , I felt bad for her. I decided to get her water in which she wasn't aloud to stop running. After dark I sneaked out with bread and some water , I found her almost dead on the floor. " Uh Sasha. " Right when she noticed me she flew right at me taking the bread in her mouth. " You should really drink some water. " She widened her eyes then started shaking my shoulders. " Thank you , thank you , thank you!! " My mind started getting fuzzy with all the dizziness she was causing me. " I'm seeing stars. " I murmured , she pulled away and dusted off my shoulders. " I'm so sorry , the names Sasha! " I took her hand as she helped me off the ground. " I'm Emma. 

Next day 

Today we were testing are aptitude , Eren seemed to be struggling alittle while me and Mikasa got it all the way. Eren on the other hand was hanging upside down while Keith was screaming at him. " Excellent job Yeager! "  Keith happened to yell at me , I sat crisscrossed while floating there.After the training was done Eren instantly tackled me. " Show me how to do this!! " I was trying to push him off me , he was really frustrated. " You looking for a fight Eren! " I pushed him off me and dusted off my uniform. " Come on loser , I'll help ya. " I helped him up and told him the basics. At the end Eren ended up hitting his head on the ground ,, that caused him to get a bandage rapped around it. During Dinner he went around begging for more help , even tho everyone was speaking shit he still came out confident. " Well it's time for bed. " I said goodnight to everyone and walked back to my room. " Hey Sasha! " I sat criss cross on my bed and waved at Sasha who was sitting on her bed as well. " Hi Emma. " Sasha let out a yawn and flopped back on her bed.

That's the end hope you like the intro of my new book , Next chapter will be up in a few hours or so! 
Anyway bye my Unicorns XOXO

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