Chapter 7 - " He doesn't just give anyone his cape. "

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Emma's pov 

Once I felt my body get back to consciousness I attempted to open my eyes , one then the other. I instantly hissed in pain at the brought sunlight , I shielded my eyes with the back of my hand and slowly by slowly sat up. " Your awake! " Armin and Mikasa came running over to the carrier I was on , I smiled slightly at them. My smile faded , I looked to the side to find the huge amount of corpses that were traced back. I unraveled myself from the cape that was covering me , from what I remember I lost my cape when I turned into my titan. I held the fabric of this cape in my hands and traced my finger over it. " Captain Levi , he gave you his cape. " Armin said , I smiled slightly and lifted myself up slowly. " Whoa! Be careful your still weak. "Mikasa helped me up , I stumbled over my feel and fell into her. " I think I'm fine. " Mikasa scoffed then pulled me into a hug. " I'm glad your okay , I wouldn't live with myself if you or Eren got hurt. " I held the saddened smile then sunk into the warm hug. " Captain Erwin , she's up! " Someone yelled , Mikasa still didn't move away from the hug but instead held it tighter. " Mikasa move I wanna see my new test subject! " In a split second Mikasa was pulled away and shoved into Armin. I let out a yelp and stumbled back.  Hanije jumped right in front of my face , as I stumbled back I almost hit the floor till I fell into someone arms. " Damn Four eyes back off , are you okay Emma? " I noticed the voice which happened to be Captain Levi who caught me. I nodded then slowly got back on my two feet. " So Emma tell me everything! What did it feel like , what did your titan look like , what di-. " Captain Erwin walked over then patted Hanije's back , she quickly understood and scooted away. " Emma I'm glad your okay. " Thank you sir , he started rambling other information which I happened to kinda zone out of. " EMMMA! " I looked to my right to see Sasha running over and waving her arms around like crazy , she tackled me to the grown and started shaking my shoulders. 

" Your okay! Your okay! " I let out a groan then breathed out. " Yep , I'm okay , someone help! " I yelled , Mikasa pulled Sasha's arm which caused her to get off of me. I lay'd on the grown for a split second till I decided to get up. " Yeah that one hurt. " I rubbed he side of my arm that hit the ground most. " Emma! Your up! " Christa came running over with Ymir hot on her tail. She ran into me , giving me a deep hug. " I'm glad your okay , I hope your thirsty. " Christa held out a small cup with water in it. " Thanks Christa. " I ruffled her hair at the top of her head , I drunk all of the water and handed back the cup. " My Christa's so nice , let's just get married already! " Ymir put her arm around Christa's shoulders and stumbled away. " Emma your arm's bleeding. " Armin said , I looked at my arm that had the bandage around it to find blood soaking threw it. " I'll patch that up for ya! " Hanije pulled my other arm and dragged me away from everyone , she pulled me to a horse which I'm guessing is hers and dug into the little bag she had hanging on the side. She brought out some bandages and some cleaner to clean it , I hissed in pain while she applied the cleaner then rapped the bandage around it. " So you and Captain Levi huh? " I looked confusingly at her , she just held her insane smile. " Oh come on , he doesn't just give anyone his cape. " She nudged me in the arm with her elbow and wiggled her eyebrows , I looked at Levi who was with Captain Erwin , he already was staring back at me. Right when are eyes caught each others he looked away. 

" Anywayyy you should go back with Eren , were leaving soon anyway. " I nodded my head then went back to Eren resting body. I climbed on the carrier and waited ,  I rapped myself with Levi's cape to shield myself from the cold wind.  About 5 minutes later we all started moving , the air was fulled with silence and no words. Mikasa rode her horse next to are carrier , she kept and eye on us the whole time. " Titans! " Someone yelled , we all glanced behind us to find two titans chasing two soldiers on horses. I looked away at the sight , I didn't wanna see more blood or even one more dead bodies. In a split second Mikasa was gone and attempting to save are comrades , I didn't dare look back at the sight. In a second all the carriers that held the dead bodies opened and started dumping the bodies , this was an attempt to stop the titans. After we managed to outrun the titans we stopped at another stop , the sun was going down bit by bit at this point we might as well hit the walls by sundown. I sat against the wall of the carrier with my legs up to my chest and my head lay'd on top of my knees.  I couldn't imagine the sadness my comrades must be feeling , most of them probably lost their closest friends while I lost comrades I didn't take the time to get to know. Not to mention I lost most of my squad I just met due to me following orders , maybe some things are meant to be broken. This time I just picked the wrong choice. 

Time skip when they get back to the walls

I opened my eyes yet again at the huge sound the wall was making , the gate was lifting and was rather loud. I must've fell asleep again. " Emma your finally up. " Eren muttered , he sat up quickly then pulled me into a hug. I rapped my arms around his back and lay'd my head on his shoulder.  In the process of pulling away we started hearing the rather disgusting things the citizens were saying , It took all my might to not jump out of the cart and do something about it. " Look , look its the girl who saved me! " A little girl said , I looked at the girl with black hair then realized it was the girl I saved during Trost. " Hi!! " She yelled , she waved at me with the brightest smile. I smiled then waved back , I blew a kiss at her and waved while the cart continued moving. I sat back down with the smallest sadden smile ever , Eren clutched my hand with the other over his eyes. All the citizens started yelling around us , the amount of yelling made my blood boil. We made it back to base where everyone went their own ways , Eren was about healed now which allowed him to walk. The castle was dead silent which just made my stomach churn , the silent footsteps of us three was making me dizzy and the complete and utter silence between us was awkward and displeasing. 

We all sat in the dining hall and waited for the others arrival , Hanije , Mikasa , Erwin and a couple others were supposed to meet us here soon. Eren and I sat across from each other while Levi was in the kitchen making tea. I sat with my arms crossed on top of the table and head up , Eren and I just stared at each other without words. Both colors in are eyes were dull while are bodies just looked complete exhausted and sad. Minutes of silence later Captain Levi walked in with three cups of tea , he gave us ares then sat at the end of the table. Eren moved the tea to the side and lay'd his head on the table , I stared down at the tea in front of me. The liquid inside of it reflected off the light allowing me  to see my other half in the cup. In a split second Hanije walked threw the door with Erwin , Mikasa , Armin and a few others. " Are we gonna catch this bitch or not. " Hanije said as she slammed her fist on the table and smirked , her eyes stared into mine from under her glasses. I seen a flash of viciousness between them. I stood up and stared back at her. " Hell yeah. " 

The nest 30 minutes or so were spent talking about the female titan , the main suspect was Annie Leonhart who was part of the Military police. I didn't understand though , she was always respectful towards me. She taught me some of her moves and well I could say we were friends , I talked to her here and there and even ate dinner with her. It didn't make sense though , why would she want me and Eren? After the meeting and so called plan everyone decided to leave and call it a night , I sat on the steps outside and watched the others gallop away on their horses. I went in front of the castle where a patch of grass was , I did my normal night routine and lay'd Levi's cape on the ground under me. I'll have to thank him later , I got comfy on the cape and stared up at the stars. The crickets making their lovely noise and the sound of the wind hitting against the trees was just peaceful , I always loved the outdoors , it was my comfort zone. A figure walked beside me before laying down and glancing at me , I new the figure instant with his short figure and grumpy facial emotion. " Seems like this is are thing now huh? " 

He turned his head to look at me while I turned my head and looked at him , at this point we were gazing into each others eyes and everything around us went silent. The only thing that was heard was the soft breath we took and the small sound of my heart beating fast. So fast it could pop out of my chest. " T-thank you for letting me use your cape. " I muttered ,  I watched as his eyes switched from mine down to my lips. " I wasn't gonna let you freeze. " He scooted closer to my body , I felt are hand brisk across from each others. I felt him run his finger across my skin , it felt like sparks were passing threw the touch. " Emma are you out here! " I jumped up at the sound of Eren's voice. " Yeah I'll be there in a sec! " Next to me Levi was muttering curse words while looking away, I rubbed the back of my head awkwardly. " Uh it was nice being with you again , hope we do this again. I stood up and handed him his cape , I smiled at him then waved before going back inside where Eren was waiting. 

That's the end! Hope you liked this chapter! 
Bye my Unicorns XOXO

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