The Smiling Titan

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Levi's pov 
Betcha wasn't expecting this!

" God dammit Four eyes! I told you to keep her safe! Now she's missing and no one knows where they are! " Emma's missing , the one time I'm not here and I couldn't keep Emma safe. " Well they did take Eren and Ymir too. " Hanije muttered. 

Emma's pov 

I opened my eyes in the flash of light and let out a huge cough , out of pure reflex I closed my eyes and blocked the bright sunlight with my arm that seeped threw the trees. " Emma your up." Reiner said with what seemed like a forced smiled , fricken douche bag. I glared at him before turning my body and looking the other way , opposite of Reiner and Bertholdt. " Don't be like that , where's the sweet Emma we all know and love. " Reiner cooed , Ymir clicked her tongue and rolled her eyes. I completely ignored him and continued looking ahead , Reiner of all people should know that he's not getting my attention now. He just had to betray all of us and kidnap us three then start begging for my attention , that's not how it works. I crossed my arms over my chest and hugged my knees closer to my chest , everyone was quiet but quiet enough to hear the soft whispers between the two kidnappers. " Reiner you said you'd talk once Emma woke up, how about you finally tell us. What do you two plan on doing with us from here. " 

" You're coming with us to are home town. Don't  give us any trouble , is what I would say but I know very well that you wouldn't listen. " He's damn right about that. I let out a forced laugh before standing up and facing the two. " You really think I'd follow along. I'm not sure if you two noticed but you kidnapped us , what did you expect? ' of course I'll follow along! ' I'm not going anywhere with you two , I'm not sure if you 3 know but I'm one out of the 5 here that can turn into a titan , not to mention I could totally beat your ass even without a titan form. " I crossed my hands over my chest and sent a nasty glare to the two. I scoffed then took a seat next to Eren who was leaning on the side of the tree , I leaned my head on his shoulder and let out a breath. Ymir and the two kidnappers were bickering with each other and Eren decided to jump in. I didn't even care about their conversation , my only thought was how the hell was I gonna get out of here. 

"Were leaving so soon? " Eren yelled , Reiner swooped to the branches we were on before facing me. "Get up. " I glared at Reiner and shuck my head then continued to lean against the tree. "Stop acting like a brat and get up! " Reiner grabbed my forearm and forced me up. " Don't touch me you douche bag! " In one swift moment my fist collided with his face making him stumble back with a groan. Ymir sat there with an amused expression before she started laughing. It took seconds before both Reiner and I were fighting on the tree , Eren stood there before he started hitting Reiner with his healing arms. Reiner took one look at me before his hands moved to my stomach and my body went flying off the branches. A loud pitch scream erupted from my mouth before everything went dark. 

Time skip later

I opened my eyes to find myself laying on another branch , it took a minute or two to realize I was deeper into the forest than normal. I rubbed my hands over my face then took a minute or two before slowly standing up. " Tch , thank god I thought you were dead. " I knew that voice too well , a huge smile spread across my face before I launched myself in Levi's arms with a giggle,  I rapped my arms around his small body. " The last thing I remember was falling down the trees. " I mumbled into his chest , he pulled away from the hug and stared at my face before his facial features became more angry. " What did they do to you. " His voice was much more frightening than normal which made goosebumps go down my spine. " Well I punched Reiner in the face then we started fighting before he pushed me off the tree. " Way too shockingly Levi released a deep chuckle then stood up as well did I. " This is why I love you , your strong enough to fight. " I widened my eyes while Levi rapped his arm around my shoulder. " Wha? " 

" Yes Emma I like you , ever since you fought Keith during the cadet corps when I happened to come and looking at the trainees. Ever since then I admired you , then you joined my squad because of that reckless brother of yours and every single time I'm by you my stomach starts feeling weird that was until I found you hanging on a tree branch by that cape that I realized I'm in love with you , and I'm not good with words at all. " It was absolutely shocking to find Levi in the flustered state  , he kept rambling and rambling until a smile plastered on my face and I hugged him , he became completely quiet after that before I felt hims hesitantly rap his arms around my body. " I think it's cute that your rambling , I accept your confession but we have a battle to win first. " I pulled away with a smiled then leaned over the edge to see how far we were from the ground. " Tch come on princess. , we have a battle to win. " A loud gasp erupted from my lips as Levi lifted me up bridal style then used the 3DM to get down to the ground , sat at the ground was his black colored horse who I completely fell in love with. " Get on. " I climbed onto the back of the horse and rapped my arms around the lower part of Levi's chest. 

It took complete and utter silence and the small galloping of the horse to see the amount of damage the two titan shifters did. The whole field was fulled with titans , in the far distance was the Armoured titan throwing titans at the remaining scouts , garrison and military police. All the people on the field were fighting for their future which made this a whole lot scarier due to the fact I had no gear and Levi and I were heading into the battle field with just one of us armed. Should I use my titan form? Will it be too risky? " Eren. "  Don't know how I spotted the sight of Eren and Mikasa crouched down in a spot of grass but all of a sudden my body worked by itself and made me jump off the moving horse and run towards the two. " Emma what the hell are you doing! " Levi happened to yell from behind me , a smile spread across my face as I ran towards the two with the happiest smiles fully aware that we were probably gonna die soon. Tears of happiness suddenly ran down my face as I tackled the two into a deep hug. " I thought you were gone. " Eren whispered , he hugged me back as well did Mikasa from behind me. Due to the little family reunion we had was little too soon to realize the absolute danger we were in , none of us realized the all well known titan that approached us. " It's the..."  I widened my eyes and was face to face with the huge smiling titan , the one from the familiar day six years ago. 

In a swift second a figure appeared , cutting the hand of the titans reaching out to us. " Hannes?" He chuckled at us be standing tall and mighty. " Haha how often do you get a chance like this? " He turned to the titan and smirked. " I'll avenge your mother! " He zoomed off , attacking the titan. Mikasa stood up as well and pulled out her swords. " Mikasa no! Not while your injured like that! " Were gonna die , Eren and I are unarmed and Mikasa's hurt. " Give me your gear. " I muttered after Mikasa untied Eren's hands. " Your not going out there either! " We all turned back to the titan who now had Hanes in his grasp. " No , no , no. " I stumbled to my feet ready to change to my titan form , I bit down on my hand but nothing happened. Completely nothing. Hannes was already completely torn apart and tears of sadness were spread down my face. Eren stood up , letting a shrill yell erupt from his mouth. He pulled out his hand and punched the hand of the smiling titan that reached out it's hand ready to grab a second victim. 

A yellow light flashed between Eren's hand and the titans before more titans appeared behind us and stared attacking the smiling titan. He kept swinging through out the air letting all the other titan attack this one. " Did you do that? " I stared wide eyed at the titans devouring the others. Eren was completely flabbergasted at what he's just done to even speak.  " Your one stupid brat, come on were leaving before they attack again. " Levi showed up with another horse in his grasp which I was guessing was Mikasa's. I smiled slightly before jumping on the back of Levi's horse and rapping my arms around his body yet again. 

That's the end hope you liked it! 
Bye my Unicorns XOXO

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