Chapter 23 - What am I?

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Emma's pov

It was hard to handle all of this, we retook Wall Maria and we had absolutely no Survey Corps left. It was just us ten, we were aloud to return back to base. We had quite a long week and right when we got there, we were ordered to rest. I couldn't even rest, my head kept spinning and not because of the small concussion I had. I read all the books, more than once. Each detail in there was about something that made an even bigger question, I wanted to know what was on the other land. Beyond the walls, to see it for myself. Not to mention the ocean Armin kept talking about. Inside the book was about how my own father lived, where he was from and about are aunt who died from the other race that is supposedly bad. He told us things we were blind to, titans, who titans really are, what type of blood that runs threw are DNA and what type of titan Eren is. Even if he gave detail about Eren and who he was, he didn't have anything about what type of titan am. Eren was given the Attack Titan, but that just makes me wonder. Was I even destined to become a titan? In the books, it never spoke of another person who wielded the other titan power. A titan shifter only becomes a titan shifter if they eat another titan shifter. 

I needed to know for myself, was I some type of miracle? Or just another monster. I walked into Commander Hanije's office, she sat there, sighing and rubbing her head as she wrote on several paper work. " D-do you need help? " I asked the over worked girl, she looked up at me and flashed me a small smile. " Your welcomed to help Emma. " I smiled at the girl, soon pulling up a chair and sitting down at the small desk. Hanije handed me a stack of paperwork, it all looked so stressful. " How are you doing? Well since the battle? " Hanije asked, she glanced at me from her paper. " It just seems so unreal, it's so quiet around here now. " Hanije looked down at the desk, a frown placed upon her face. " In the books, the ones dad left, he didn't mention anyone else who had a titan power yet he mentioned Eren had the power of the Attack Titan.  " Hanije glanced at me, curiousness burrowed in her eyes, I breathed out before explaining even more. "I just, I wanna know what I am. I wanna know what type of power I have and how I got it, I don't feel like myself anymore. " Hanije breathed out, she looked down at the paper. " I'd love to know too, the odd thing is that you don't have vision like Eren. He seems to have these type of flashes that seem to give him more of an idea, but you, your just you. "

" What am I? I don't feel human but I don't feel titan either. " Her lips curved into a small smile. "Your Emma, your unique. " Was that suppose to make me feel better? because that just left me with more questions. " It's pretty late, you should get some sleep. " I glanced at the girl, slightly nodding in the process. " Y-eah your right, goodnight Hanije. " I got up and left the room, I feel so bad for her. Erwin was like her best friend, and he just left this job for her that left her even more stressed. Not to add that she had to watch over 3 titan shifters. I glanced at the door I exited before shaking my head and walking down the hallway. I entered the door to Levi's office, I looked around his empty office to find him not there. I walked into his bedroom, the small figure off him was sat at the end of his bed, his head held in his hands. " Levi? Are you okay? " I walked closer to his figure, I quickly took off my slippers and sat on the bed. " No. " He muttered quietly, I glanced at his sluggish body. " What's wrong? " He glanced at from the corner of his eye, his head tilting at me from his hands. 

" Today's the anniversary of my friends death. " I glanced at him, his friends? " What were their names? " I scooted closer to him, not sitting next to his body. " Isabel and Farlan. " I heard those names before, from Hanije. " When did they-"

" When I first joined the Survey Corps! " He snapped, I jumped back from his angered figure. Maybe I should just leave him alone. " I'm sorry. " He quickly muttered under his breath. I didn't know what to say. " Will you tell me, your story I mean. " He glanced at me, his saddened eyes baring into my soul. " Emma? " I tilted my head, a small hm left my mouth. In an instant, he pulled me into a hug. A thick grip kept me in his arms, making me unable to break out. "Please don't leave me, even if you try I won't let you. " I swear I could feel butterfly's in my stomach. "I won't, I promise. "
That's the end! Hope you all liked it! 
Bye my Unicorns XOXO

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