Chapter 5 - Nightmares

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Emma's pov 

" Oui brat what the hell's going on! " I jumped at the sudden appearance of captain Levi , I looked at him with my teary eyes still letting my hands cover my ears , he must've heard my sobbing and whimpering. My whole body was shaking from under the small blanket. " Um Captain , ca-can you please get Eren. " I flinched yet again as he stared into my soul , my grip that covered my ears tightened as I closed my eyes. "Please..." I muttered , soon enough he disappeared up the steps leaving me in this dark cell. Minutes later Eren and Hanije came running down the steps worryingly while Captain came walking behind them. " Em I'm sorry I left you alone. " Eren opened the door and ran straight to my bed , he pulled me into a hug as more tears started falling. " Same nightmare? " I nodded from his shoulder as he tightened his grip around me. " Come on try to sleep , I'm here now. " He sat on my bed as he lay'd my head on his lap , he started petting my hair while I closed my eyes. He spoke sweet words trying to make my tears go away , I'm so grateful I have Eren here to comfort me. As I closed my eyes everything went black. 

Eren's pov

I lay'd Emma down properly then left the cell. " What the hell was that. " Captain said , I motioned us upstairs where we sat down on the tables. Hanije and Levi sat across from me while I sat on the chair alone. " When we were young and the titans attack Wall Maria , they ended up killing are mom with it. Emma was really close to are mom so it took a big toll on her and till this day she's effected with these nightmares about that day , she get's them almost every night. Till this day she tries to be the most nicest to anyone she can , she always said that there's no meaning in being rude when you don't know what they've been threw. One time when we were little she ended up not eating for a week because she gave all her food to the citizens around her who were hungry , course she denied it but we found out when she started fainting due to the lack of hunger. " Hanije started laughing them slapped me on the shoulder. " That's some sister of yours! " She let out a laugh and plopped back down. " Anyway Eren , when did these nightmares start? " I furrowed my eyes at her and gave her a look. " Shouldn't you be asking her this? " 

" Well my dear Eren, your a witness to these nightmares so I'm here to ask questions. " Hanije weirdly pulled out a notebook and started writing things down. " So Eren what's Emma like after a nightmare. " Captain made a tch sound and continued sipping tea. " Uh well she started crying and shaking  , sometimes when she doesn't wake me up she ends up in my bed. " Hanije started making hm and ah sounds while writing down the info. " Why are you writing this down? " She stuck up her finger and made a shhh sound. " Just trying to see what Emma's like. " 

" I could just tell you. " Hanije laughed out loud and gave her insane smile at me. " That's no fun , I like it my way , now Eren are you gonna help with scientific discovery! "

Emma's pov

" Hey Em you ready? " Eren peeked his head from outside the cell , I smiled and nodded at him. I slipped my boots on and put on my cape. " Come on , let's go. " We ran outside as quickly as we could and dismounted on are horses. We left right when everyone was ready and sped to the titan testing area. Right when we arrived there Hanije jumped off her horse and examined the bones of the left over titan subjects , she let out a shrill scream and fell on her knees. As we stood by we examined the decaying bones as steam lifted itself away and into they sky. All the soldiers stood idle while watching Hanije blow her mind out , something about this felt off. " What is it you guys think you see , who do you think the real enemy is here? " Commander Erwin appeared out of no where and gripped on both mine and Eren's shoulder. Before we could answer he threw off the question and walked away with Captain Levi. 


" Hey Eren , you know if anyone is thinking about joining us? " Gunther asked , I smiled at the two and continued feeding my horse. " Yeah there a few. " I let out a small smile and glanced at my brother. " So Em , what did you name your horse. " He reached out to my horse letting it sniff his hand , I petted her mane , she was a dark black horse who I instantly fell in love with. " This is nightmare , she's adorable isn't she. " She nuzzled her head against Eren's hand and let out a small neigh. " Uh why Nightmare. " Eren studied my features as I continued smiling at the dark horse. " I named her after something I'll have forever. " Eren frowned and continued petting her mane. Soon enough Captain Levi came speeding in on his horse , me and Eren exchanged glaces before running over and doing the main salute. " Good morning Captain , reporting for duty! " 

" Emma , Eren you will stay within 10 meters of me at all times , the only reason your out of your cell is because I'm keeping an eye on you , understood. " I let Eren respond as he said yes sir , everyone went their separate ways to get ready I stood there hoping to apologize. " Uh Captain?" He looked at me with his cold eyes as I stepped closer to his horse. " I wanted to apologize for waking you last night. " The horse that he was one started nuzzling it's head by mine and let out a small whine when I stepped slightly away. " Tch you didn't wake me now go get ready. " I smiled at him and spoke. " Yes sir. " I ran back over to my horse and got it all ready before jumping on. " Let's ride! " He yelled as all of us sped off and away from are base.

Later on we ended up in a field taking about the formation for the next expedition , I wasn't to interested in it so I decided to sit in the grass at stare back at the setting sun that was slowly by slowly going down. Eren was all to interested in the formation so I sat there alone , I don't know what it is with me , I just love staring at the sky. Even if it's the plane black sky or the bright blue sky flooded with clouds , it was just so fascinating. " Saddle up now! " I let out a breath for my relaxation and got back on Nightmare who let out a loud neigh and sped up with the others.  We made it back to the castle in no time , I stood outside the stables waiting for Eren to finished cleaning it. As Eren walked out of it I widened my eyes at the sight to find all are friends walking passed. " May we be excused to talk to are friend for a bit. " Right when Oluo said fine I let out a giggle and sped off to Mikasa and the others. " Mikasa! " I laughed as I launched myself into Mikasa who graciously hugged me back. " have they mistreated you guys in anyway? " Mikasa kept going on about the things she thought they did to us. " No not at all. " Eren said , I finished and said. " They been all but welcoming to us. "

" That pipsqueak took things way too far , I will make him pay for it one day. " I let out a small laugh trying to hold myself back from laughing my but off. " No , no it's fine. He's actually helped me the other day, he was pretty nice. I had another nightmare and he went to get Eren who was upstairs. " Mikasa let out a breath and hugged me yet again. I glanced over my shoulder having the feeling I was being watched , I seen Captain pulling his horse along by him as he stared both at Eren and I , me being nice smiled at him and waved. I looked back at my friends to find all are friends gather around us. " Oh hey guys! " I waved at them happily , I looked around us to find all are friends here even Jean was here. " There's are favorite Yeager! " Sasha yelled , she dove into me giving me a deep hug. I stumbled back as she put all her weight into the hug. " Alright rookies form up , your uniforms are here! " Everyone turned to he man who yelled that as all of are friends went running towards him.  We watched are friends put on the cape letting the wings of freedom sign flow in the distance. 

That's the end of this chapter hope you liked it! 
Anyway bye my Unicorns XOXO

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