Chapter 13 - Golden

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Emma' s pov

 I have no idea the plan is going , I'm slightly curious but held up in this little carriage is driving me insane. " Their gonna tell threw the disguise , Jean has a horse face there's no way they won't find out. " I let a small snort leave my nose as I attempted not to laugh , remember what Levi said. " Don't draw attention to areselfs. " I sat back and waited to arrive at are destination. I perked my head up at the small sound I heard from the distance , were those gunshots?  " Stay down now! " The driver of are carriage said , I peaked my head and snuck a glance outside the carriage. " Get down! " I ducked my head low to the floor as the top off the carriage wen't flying off. In a swift second a small dart went flying to Historia making her pass out in mid seconds , I managed to miss the dart that went flying to me but the next one went flying to Eren making him pass out as well. With the sudden flash of the knifes I had went threw my mind I managed to grab one and correctly aim it at the person. I threw the knife directly at the person making it stab right threw the chest and him falling limp to the ground , I'm sorry. I widened my eyes when I took notice of the driver who was another kidnapper , I tackled the kidnapper to the ground , both her and I fell off the carriage. That must've been a terrible idea , both her an I were in a well fought knife fight, She used her guns to aim at me but I dodged all the bullets and kept swigging the knife that was held tightly in my grasp. 

She managed to shoot a bullet that skimmed across my arm , it made my arm sting in pain but yet I wasn't backing down. In one swift movement I ducked and swing my legs around making her fall on her back. I took the gun she had and aimed it at her , she widened her eyes at the gun I had directly pointed to her face. " I'm so sorry. " I looked away as I pulled the lever and a huge bang went off , it took me a minute to realize what I've just done. I stumbled away from the body and down a dark alley , I dug into my pocket to take out the blue pill Hanije requested me to take. I glanced at it before shoving it down my throat , It left a nasty taste behind yet I didn't feel anything ever so change. I hid in the shadows of the alley's in Trost to avoid all attention towards me , I just killed two kidnappers and I'm getting hunted down. What the hell have I just done?  I let the dark alleys take me wherever I could go , hopefully I could find Mikasa or Sasha. 

I found a place where what seemed like a whole lot of kidnappers where , they were surrounding a bar. It had to be over 25 where there. One was stood in front of me with his back facing me. I grabbed my knife yet again and held it in my grasp , I tip toed up to the back of the guy and wrapped my hand around his mouth. I brought my knife to his neck , I made shh sound come out of my mouth as the male stiffened. " Answer my question , you scream your dead , don't speak your dead. " I whispered, all of this violence made my hands get clammy and start to shake. This was for freedom after all. " Where are my friends? " I whispered , his body still continued to stiffen before he gulped and whispered back. " The short one is in the bar with the captain , the other ones are on the east side of Trost. " Short one? Is he referring to Levi? " Thanks , do not follow me. " I slowly let go of his neck before dashing to a different alleyway , hopefully if I continue heading east I'll run into someone. From behind me I heard a loud bang then the several gunshots heard by my ears. I attempted to continue running , hopefully they'll mistaken me as a towns folk. I was wearing normal clothes , some pants and a grey shirt. I wonder if Eren and Historia are okay , it was a terrible idea to tackle the female off the carriage. 

I happened to stat wandering around for quite awhile , I managed to find the flash of a 3DM fly across the sky but then I managed to lose the sight of the person. I suddenly started hearing the 3DM in the distance and the loud yelling of people to know they were nearby , I was close to the wall enough to realize the carriage was nearby as well. I started running towards where the sound was mostly coming from , I cut threw alleys then met myself at the main street. " Eren! " I widened my eyes and went running down the street , towards the sound of Mikasa's voice echoing threw the town. " Did anyone see Emma on the carriage? " Conny asked , everyone glanced at one another before shaking their heads. " I finally found you! " I went running towards my friends and straight into Mikasa's arms. " I found you guys. "  I mumbled into her cape. " Whoa what happened to you! " Sasha yelled , she looked at me from head to toe. " What? What's wrong? " Levi turned me to face him with crinkled eyebrows. 

" Your hair , its golden. Your eyes , their green. " Levi muttered , I took a piece of my hair and examined it. Lay'd in my hand was bright golden strands of hair. " Whoa. " Hanije's pill , it actually worked? " Seems like that damn shitty glasses is actually good for something. "

Time skip later 

Back at another small house , everyone was sat downstairs but myself. I sat lay'd on the bed in an empty room , occasionally I could hear the mumbled screaming coming from the lower level. With the caught victim , Levi and Hanije have been sitting down there for hours doing nothing but torturing him. I felt a snip of sympathy run threw me, even if were trying t find Eren and Historia the poor guy doesn't need all of this. I felt my body quiver under the blanket , attempting to block out the coldness and the yells of Sannes from downstairs. After a couple minutes they stopped which left the house completely quiet , I was utterly confused and yet slightly disgusted. After the house being quiet for more than 3 minutes I heard footsteps outside the door then the creak as the door was opened. " Emma , are you in here? " I instantly noticed the voice to be Levi's , I snuggled my head under the blanket even more. " No. " I heard a small chuckled escape his mouth which made me peek my head from under the blanket. " I knew you were in here. " He walked towards the bed with a very very very very small smile before pecking me on the cheek. " You have blood on your shirt. " He looked down a his gray shirt that had a small drop of blood on it. " Tch , fucking filthy. " He walked to the attached bathroom and closed the door. Seconds later I heard the running of the shower which told me he was taking a shower. I plopped back first into the bed yet again then stared straight at the ceiling. I have so many questions that need answering , why the hell do they need Eren and Historia? Who the hell were those people in Trost? Why were they attacking us? And why the hell is the government a big part of this? 

Not to point out that no one is answering my questions , they either pretend not to know or act like they didn't hear me. Everything is completely screwed up and I don't have one clue to any of it. Sitting there for so long and staring at the ceiling kept my mind off the fact Levi was already done with the shower and completely dressed. " Scoot over Emma. " After his deep voice said that , out of pure reflexes I obey and scooted my body closer to the wall. He slipped under the blanket and decided to lay right next to me. I turned my body and faced his stone cold face and his wet hair that stuck to his forehead. He touched my hair then scooped it in his hand. " It's changing back. " I noticed the golden blond hair was now darkening and spreading threw out my head. I stared in awe at the changing colors before touching my face , my fingers landed rather close to my eyes. " Are my eyes changing? " I seen his eyes flicker from my hair to my eyes , his eyes softened before he stroked my cheek. " Your so beautiful. " My lips curved into a small smile. " Thank you for keeping me safe , Levi. " As he kept stroking my cheek really softly , he leaned down till are lips touched , something that felt much like electricity flowed threw my whole body , like lighting sparks. We both pulled away and leaned are foreheads against each others. " I'll always keep you safe. "

Awe I thought that was so cute!!! 
Well that's the end of chapter 13! Bye my Unicorns XOXO

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