Chapter 26 - After our dreams.

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" Were this close to seeing the ocean. " Armin had said, I was sat at a table with Eren, Armin, and Mikasa. I smiled small at Armin, he was right after all. We were all excited to see the ocean, we were this close to finding the other land and officially finding out who our enemies are. " What are you guys gonna do after all of this? " Asked Eren, I had looked over at our small little group, Each one of us shrugged in unison, we really didn't have plans after all of this. " I wanna travel. " Armin had said, all three of us had glanced over at Armin. He was smiling and looking down at the table, this kid really had big dreams. " I'm down. " All three of them had looked at me, I smiled at Armin. Armin had smiled and nodded. " Me too. " Eren had said, I looked over at Eren. "I'm going wherever you guys are going. " Mikasa had said, well then, it seemed like a plan.  One day, when everything is over. Were all going exploring, together. 

" We're going together. " Eren had got up from the bench, all three of us followed. Eren had pushed all of us into a hug, we stood there hugging one another. Smiles plastered on our faces, for once, everything felt perfect. " Oui, you brats. It's time to train. " All of us had jumped at Levi's intense voice. He seemed far more angry than normal, we all had glanced at the window that showed outside. " But sir, it's still raining. " Eren had said, we all glanced at Levi then back to the window. " It's slowing down, now come on, I don't have all day. " We had all reluctantly went outside, the rain now just dropped. It was actually dialing down, everyone else was stood outside. They were all lined up and waiting for Levi to continue. " Drop and give me 30. NOW! " 

Everyone had scrambled before falling to the ground and doing our 30 push-ups. " Oui, Cadet Forster, all the way down or else you're doing 100. " I had glanced up from my focused state, he had his boot on Floch's back. Pushing him down to the ground fully, why was he being so rough with him? Once everyone was done we were ordered to do 15 laps. I was gonna be hella sore after this. I was here running with Floch and Eren, we were running our laps but yet I could still feel Levi's glare. Floch was right next to me so once I glanced at Levi, his glare was on Floch. "Why is Levi so mad at you? " I had asked quietly to Floch, he had glanced at Levi, he could see the glare that could kill. " I-i don't know, I haven't talked to him in a few days. " 

" He seems more angry than usual, a-are you guys okay? " I had looked at Floch before looking straight ahead yet again. " No, were not. " I had sped ahead from everyone which caused me to finish my laps before everyone else. I was left breathless with my hands resting on my knees. "Cadet Yeager, go get the weapons for combat training. " Levi had said, I looked up at him from my breathless state. " S-sure. " After regaining my breath I had walked off to the storage, grabbing the box of wooden knives and returning to the training grounds. 

I had decided to partner up with Eren, after all, we haven't fought in combat in quite awhile. Yet again, I won. I always had the upper hand against Eren, he always got distracted somehow. We had got ready to practice our 3DM, we had put on our gear before zipping off into the trees. It felt nice to have my hair fly through the wind, I laughed loudly as I saw Jean try to take down the titan dummy. I had stolen the kill from him before zooming off, I had glanced behind my shoulder, laughing at Jean's pouting face. " Emma look out! " I had looked forward and met face first with a branch, my body and 3DM got tangled with the tree branches as my body dragged across the ground. I had winced as I tried crawling up from my laying position. I had tried but failed badly before I fell back to the ground, that was a pretty nasty fall. " Are you okay! " Floch and Eren had run over, I weakly looked up at them, trying to hold my body with my bruised and scratched arms. " Come on let's get you to the infirmary. " Eren had carefully helped me up, helping me trug out of the forest with Floch trailing behind us. " What happened. " Levi was stood in front of us, arms crossed over his chest with his usual grumpy glare on his face. 

" Emma had an accident when training, I'm taking her to the infirmary. " Eren had said, I glanced at Eren and weakly smiled at him. " Alright, Cadet Forster back to training. " Both Eren and I glanced behind us at Floch who had averted his eyes to the ground and nodded. After getting the grumpy corporals permission we had walked to the infirmary, inside Hanije was sat there doing paperwork. She looked so stressed. " Commander Hanije? " Eren had muttered, she looked up from her paperwork, rubbing her head tiredly in the process. " Oh Emma, are you alright? " Eren had helped me sit on one of the infirmary beds, fluffing out the pillow in the process. Hanije had proceeded to check my wounds before wrapping them in gauze. " We're all good here, you can go back to training, she'll be here resting for a bit. " Eren had hesitated before standing up and leaving, well he sent me a smile before disappearing behind the door. 

" You can rest here for a while, I'll just be doing my paperwork. " Hanije had smiled before sitting back down, I had snuggled into my bed and wrapped the blanket around myself. I let a small yawn escape my mouth before drifting off into sleep. 

Time Skip

" Levi, her wounds aren't healing. Somethings wrong! " I had opened my eyes slightly, I could hear the hush yelling of Hanije and Levi from outside the infirmary doors. Was it true? I wasn't healing, like at all? 

That's the end, I'm sorry it so late. I'm on Spring Break so I just wanted to chill and all. 
Well thats that, Bye my Unicorns XOXO

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