Chapter 27 - Am I okay?

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After eavesdropping on their hushed conversation I had gone back into my sleeping position once the creaking of the wood began nearing. The door had opened which caused me to quickly close my eyes. " Emma I know your up. " Levis deep voice had echoed throughout the room, I had debated opening my eyes. After a few seconds, I had turned to the other side, mumbling in the process. " Go away. " I heard a small sigh come from his mouth. " I'm sorry okay. " His voice was low as If he really meant it but should I be reeled back in so quickly? " Are you really? " I continued to face away from him, staring at the wall in front of me. " Of course you brat! I'm sorry. " I gulped, what the hell should I even do. Turn around and face him or keep staring at the wall and hope he'd go away? I had flinched once his hand had landed on my exposed shoulder, he had quickly back away from my body in the process. 

" What did Hanije mean? " I had listened to most of their conversation, I really wasn't healing like Eren. It was like, I didn't have the power anymore. " Tch your wounds aren't healing, they are staying the same. They aren't healing like Eren's anymore. " My body had frozen, what did that mean exactly? Was I titan still or was I fully human, perhaps turning into a titan and healing so fast was just a dream. A long dream that felt so real, that could be a possibility, right? " Hanije wants to run some test, to make sure you aren't in any danger. " I had dug my face into my soft pillow and nodded, what should I feel right now? Happiness or sadness, of course, I felt a hint of sadness. The titan power made me feel stronger, I healed faster making me more eligible for fights but now, I'm normal again? Maybe, just maybe this had something to do with how I became a titan. 

Perhaps something went wrong in the process and I turned out like this. " How long have I been sleeping? " I had muttered, finally after a few minutes, I had turned back around. Taking all my courage to finally speak to him face to face. " 6 hours. " I had widened my eyes, I really didn't sleep well last night and I was pretty exhausted during training today. " D-do you wanna sit? " I had scooted over and patted the small space next to me, a tiny smile had appeared on his face before he sat down. Getting comfy as I leaned against his shoulder. I had yawned and rubbed my eyes tiredly before my stomach had let out a loud grumble. " Uh, I guess I missed dinner huh? " Levi had chuckled silently before getting up from the bed. "Tch I'll get you food. " I was left in silence once he had left the room, I looked around the darkened infirmary and sighed, I didn't expect to be hurt this bad. I only crashed into a few trees and hit the floor. I glanced out the window, a setting sun glimmered over the horizon. The view, it was so beautiful. I had shifted uncomfortably in my bed once my stomach began growling again, I sure was hungry. 

A few minutes had passed before Levi entered the room once again. Carrying a tray of food with him. He had set the tray on my lap before taking the seat beside me. I had begun nibbling on the food, savoring the taste of the food, I was starving! " Why were you so angry? " I had muttered, I glanced at him from behind my bangs. He had looked back at me before turning away and pretending to look at some of the infirmary supplies. " I thought you were flirting with some brat. " He muttered underneath his breath, I couldn't help but laugh.I wasn't flirting with no one, but the fact that Levi was jealous made me laugh even harder. " I wasn't flirting with no one! " I had wiped a tear away from my eyes, calming slightly down but still giggling from the inside. 

" You could've told me you were jealous! " I had laughed and laid back in bed, pulling the blanket over my arms to cover the cold air. " Tch I wasn't jealous! " He had looked away, a thin coat of blush covering his now red cheeks, he had crossed his arms over his chest in the process. He so was jealous, it's cute. " I wasn't flirting with no one, Floch was just apologizing to me. " He had looked back at me. " What did that brat do, do I need to kill him? " I giggled yet again, he didn't need to do that, I already punched him in front of hundreds of people. " When he was insulting my family, but no you don't need to kill him, I already punched him in the face. " Lev had snorted. I had continued to eat my food, this was quite nice, having us be alright. 

" What's gonna happen if I'm normal again. " I continued to chew on my food as I looked at him, was I gonna be a normal cadet again or still be kept under his watch, will I have to help protect Eren? " I don't know, tch I really don't know. " 

That's the end! Bye, my unicorns XOXO

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