Chapter 34

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" Wow, I'm suddenly not hungry anymore. " I stood up from my seat, continuing to glare at Reiner before bolting out of the door. That asshole, he had the audacity to even show his face near me. " Emma wait! " I could hear my name being yelled before the doors slammed shut behind me. I couldn't push the bile in my throat back down, flashes from when I was kids began to appear in my mind. The armored and Colossal titan breaking through the walls, killing hundreds of innocent people, it made me sick to no end. " Emma, hey hey it's okay. " Reiner had appeared in front of my hyperventilating figure. He trapped me against the wall and stared down at me, worry plastered all over his face. " G-go away. " After months of not having my nightmare, it all started coming back to me. This time I wasn't asleep, I was awake, seeing the nightmare so real before my eyes. " Hanes take the children and get out of here! "  I covered my ears, my legs slowly giving out on me as my back slid down against the wall. " The titan's breached the walls! "  I closed my eyes, my hands tightening around my ears. " Emma, calm down! " I shook my head, tears peaked at the corner of my eyes as the echos of screaming and fear left my mind and entered again through my ears.  " Stop it! Stop it! " I pushed my knees up against my chest, my head pounding from the intense memories that came running back to me from every corner of my mind. 

" Why did you do it! " I opened my eyes and stared up at Reiner, my hands stiff covering my ears, my body shivering in fright. " Why did you have to kill them! Erwin, Moblit, Marco, Marlo, all of those scouts, all of those innocent people, and Mom. It was all your fault. " I wrapped my arms around my head, crying out and yelling in frustration. " Emma. " I tightened my arms and dug my head into my knees. " Why do you keep saying my name like nothing is wrong! " I needed Levi here, he took away my nightmares, he made me feel safe, he saved me. " Because I'm sorry! " I glanced up at Reiner, my blurry vision clearing and my eyes widening. " I'm sorry that I caused you so much pain okay! " I wiped away my tears and crab-walked away from Reiner. " Just please, stay away from me. " I scrambled to my feet and ran off down the hallway. Not even sparing Reiner one last glance. He was sorry, out of everything he's done, all the people he's killed and all the years he's spent lying to everyone, he was sorry. 

With Reiner - 2 hours later

I stared down at the book that was held in my hand. Emma's favorite. 
"  Reiner, please I let you win already! " Emma stared up at me from the dirt floor, she frowned up at me and puffed out her lips. "  Alright fine, come on. " I grabbed her hand and lifted her up from the ground. " You promise you'll read whatever book I pick with me? " I smiled over at Emma and ruffled her hair. " I already promised Little Yeager. " She giggled out and pushed open the doors to the library. " Where graduating in a few days, what regiment are you picking? " She smiled over at me, her pearly white teeth shining in the light. "  I told you already, I'm going into the Scouts with Eren. "  She turned towards a bookshelf and started scanning the books. " Ah, this one! You have to read it with me! It's my favorite! " 
" It's gonna take her a lot of convincing to take her with us. " I turned around and looked at Zeke, he crossed his arms over his chest and leaned against the wall. " She's not gonna wanna go with unless I'm left here. " I muttered, I couldn't fix anything when it came to Emma. I wanted to fix everything that I did, everything that made her cry because quite frankly I was the cause of everything that led up to where we are. I wanted to see the Emma that laughed and smiled at everything, the happy Emma, the Emma I met during training. I wanted to prove to her that I was sorry because I fell in love with the Emma that was too good for anyone. 

That's the end of this chapter! I hope you liked the tea, haha.
Bye my unicorns XOXO

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