Chapter 36 - Fighting for my freedom

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It felt like I was in the mercy of the hands of others. Seeing the bright light of outside get closer and closer, it all felt too overwhelming knowing I was getting taken away from my home. Would my friends ever find me? Probably not, and now I was left and lost forever. 

I was screaming out, tugging against the arms that dragged me towards the exit. " You can't do this! I don't wanna go! " I tugged desperately, screaming out and wasting the last bit of voice I had in my throat. Around 5 guys had to drag me towards the boat, Denise, Zeke, and Reiner in front of us, standing by the dock and waiting for our arrival. My arms were covered in blood and bite marks, showing my desperate attempts to turn into a titan at the last minute. I was blinded by the sun as we exited the door, the boat floating and waiting for everyone to board it. I froze, knowing this was my last chance to get free and run. I don't care how long it would take If I got free, I would run towards the walls. I planted my feet on the floor, struggling against the guy's grip and growling out. The men continued to pull against my stubborn grip, I'm sure there would be bruises left due to how hard they're holding on. 

I jumped back in fear at the huge spear that was thrown right in front of us, I widened my and tugged back. " Get back! Get back! " Within seconds the weapon went off, blinding the men which caused them to let go of my body. The familiar flares were shot towards the boat making the people around it cough and cover their eyes. I yelled out in glee and smiled brightly at the familiar girl standing in front of me. " Mikasa! " Mikasa never really smiled but it definitely didn't come unnoticed once her face brightened at the sight of me. She grabbed my hands and went running. I followed behind her, peeking behind me at the sight of Sasha, Jean, and Conny shooting more flares at the group. Hanije joined the group, yelling out excitedly before throwing a thunder spear towards them. 

" Levi's waiting for you. "  I couldn't help the smile that spread across my face hearing that Levi was waiting for me. " Emma! " My eyes widened, I let go of Mikasa's grip and went running towards Eren. He came running towards me, arms held out with the brightest smile on his face. I almost blew up in tears, my eyes watering at the sight of my big brother running towards me. I ran into his arms, my face now red and my eyes now leaking the salty tears. I wrapped my arms around his body and held onto him tightly. " I missed you so much! " I managed to yell in his survey corps jacket. He pulled away staring at my face and moving my messy hair away from my eyes. " Yeah, I missed you too Em. Now come on, Levi's waiting for you, we're going back home. " I smiled out cheerfully and ran behind him. Eren took hold of my hand and Mikasa following behind the two of us. " Emma! " Armin and Floch by many horses, waving at me from afar, many scouts stood around the area fighting off any enemy. 

They finally come, no matter how long I waited, they finally came. I went running towards the person that made my life worth living. He stood there, arms crossed over his chest and that smile that was meant for me. Armin and Floch moved away, letting me run past them and towards my stone-cold lover. He welcomes me with open arms, small tears pricking his eyes. He smiled out in glee, holding the sides of my head and examing my face. " Did they do anything to you? " I let out a small giggle and wrapped my arms around the short male. " You don't know how happy I am right now. " Despite hearing the explosions and gunshots in the distance, nothing could take away my happiness. " We have company. " Both Levi and I pulled away from one another, glaring at the incoming group that surrounded us. It was just us six, and we were outnumbered. I hid behind Levi, knowing damn well that I can't hide that well since I was so tall and Levi was a midget. 

I closed my eyes, waiting for the incoming gunshots. I gripped onto Levi's Jacket, frozen in my spot. " Go away! " I yelled out, we all stood surrounded, the rest of the scouts were beginning to get outnumbered, and more enemies joined the circle that surrounded us. Hanije, Jean, Conny, and Sasha used their maneuver gear to join our circle of death. Now each one of us stood there, glaring at the income enemies. I widened my eyes yelling out as the men started charging towards us. My hands gripped onto Levi's jacket so hard that I swear my hands were turning pain white, it felt like slow motion, I screamed out, tears leaving my eyes, my body felt weak, my eyes widening at the familiar yellow lighting that radiated off the ground. within the weakness and the screams of fear came a wave of energy that left my body causing all the enemies to fly back, completely unconscious. 

I stepped away with shaking hands, letting go of Levi's jacket and staring at the dozens of men that laid unconscious on the floor. " Did I just do that? " I thought, after all of this, that I lost my magic for good. This made me feel completely flabbergasted. The weakness took over from the sudden wave on energy and I collapsed, suddenly feeling tired. I guess I really needed a nap huh. Levi collapsed to his knees, scooping me in his arms and staring down at me. " Emma? " He asked out worringly, I managed to keep my eyes open from my tiredness. He blocked the sun, the only thing I could see was him. I let out a small hm, I stared up at him with tired eyes that threaten to close. " Would you marry me? " 

That's the end of the book! Book two will be published on the first of November!
Stay tuned and thank you for reading! I love all of you and I hope you all have an amazing day. 
Bye my unicorns XOXO

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